Low grade abnormalities....again! Will I now need treatment?


I’m hoping someone on here can give me some advice/put my mind at ease a bit as have got myself into a bit of a state.

When I was 25 I went for my first smear - borderline changes, hpv positive.
Follow up colposcopy was all fine, no treatment, appointment made for following year.
Same again, a few abnormal cells, no treatment.
Same again the next year…
After the third colposcopy I was told all was fine but should have a follow up smear in 6 months (I had been moved to a different clinic so perhaps they did things a bit differently).
Smear test result was low grade but no hpv so I was put back on the 3 year schedule.

3 years went fast! I went for my smear and have just received my results. ‘Slightly abnormal cells’ and the hpv is back so have to go for a colposcopy.

I know I must sound very silly and selfish as there are women who are going through much, much more but I’ve been crying my eyes out as I am panicking. It’s been almost 6 years and these damn cells won’t go!! I don’t smoke, eat healthy etc. so assumed my body would have cleared them by now. As it has been so long are they likely to want to treat or go back to watch and wait like before? Has this been the case for anyone else on here?
And how do you explain this to your boyfriend? My bf is lovely but I don’t know how to tell him about all of this without freaking him out.

Thank you so much in advance xxxxxx

Hi MissE I know you posted this a long time ago but I was wondering how you were doing now. I'm in a similar position at the moment with a very persistent hpv infection