Looking for any reassurance please

Hi ladies,

So- from the beginning.

I’ve been bleeding after sex for 3 years. It first happened a month after my smear test in 2013. In the last year and a half I’ve been to the doctors, I’ve had various people look at my cervix and all said it’s healthy. I’ve seen a specialist who had a look and said 100% it’s a healthy cervix. I’ve had an internal scan, swabs, bloods. Everything is clear. I had another smear test in July last year, again it was clear. As this is still going on after every time I have sex I’m now being referred to a specialist again but my gp keeps reassuring me that all is fine and there will be another reason. Why can’t I accept this? I’m terrified it’s now been missed for years, I keep getting pain in my kidneys now so convince myself that it’s spread- I don’t even know if this pain is real. I’m in tears all the time, I want to snap out of it but I can even ‘vision’ getting the news. Please can someone share their thoughts with me. I don’t know how I’m going to get through the weeks waitin for an appointment. Thank yiu

I'd ask them to check your kidneys out more and your urinary tract, kidney and UT problems can cause blood in urine and with everything being so close it could cause problems after sex I imagine. I don't mean to sound patronising or anything like that but is there any chance you think the blood could be coming from your urethra instead? Maybe something to consider? Also have they checked your uterus rather then just your cervix? I'm sure if they can't find anything you'll be fine but if your not happy you know your body so keep pestering them and don't give up until your satisfied with the answers you're getting.

Hello. I was going to ask if you've had a hysteroscopy previously, which is a closer look inside the womb. It's similar to a cervical examination called a colpscopy. It would detect something higher up, polyps, fibroids, cysts? They would also take a biopsy to check the thickness of the lining of the womb. It is reassuring to know that all of your other tests have been clear so far. Your smear tests would have detected something earlier on, so be reassured  in that sense that your cervix are healthy. I hope you get some answers, to put your mind at rest x

Thank you so much for your comments. It's definitely coming from there but you reassurance does help a little. I'm going to call again mondau morning and ask them to rush me through. I can't eat or sleep and feel sick all of the time x