Lletz result time following query cancer smear

Im currently extremely anxious and wanted to ask for others experiences.

In 2019 i had a positive smear for CIN3, a lletz treament and following this at my test of cure 6 months later i was negative for hpv and cell changes. I was put back on 3 year test.

28/6 - smear test
28/7 - received results CIN 3 and ? Invasive (cancer)
10/8 - Colposcopy - they couldnt view very well due to scar tissue from previous lletz. I was told they couldnt confirm or rule out cancer. Advised a further lletz under general anaesthic.
25/8 - Lletz carried out. Advised by consultant that she couldnt see anything on cervix and had therefore taken a sample from further up (i presume this was a cone biopsy as my recovery sheet was headed this).

So its now 4 weeks since my lletz and no results. I rang yesterday and was advised there are staffing issues and its 6-8 weeks for results.

I feel this is unreasonable and i thought there were some sort of rules as to timelines from query cancer test and receiving results. I am in Wales so it may be slightly different.

How long are others waiting for their Lletz results if you have a query invasive smear test.

Sorry its a bit of a rant as well but the wait is making me really stressed at the moment.

Hi, I am also in Wales, I had a lletz under general after a failed previous procedure in may, I waited 11 for my results, the delay was due to needing a mdt meeting and delays from covid and staffing, incredably difficult. Not proud to say my care has been very chaotic, I feel I’ve had to nag constantly to move this forward as its been shocking how lax it has been. Think your talking about the 2 week pathway for potential cancer, regrettably the timetable in place by the NHS Wales seems unacheavable and delays are rife. I’m ultimatley having a total hysterectomy removing my troublesome cervix in a few weeks, but it’s been a terrible process were I’ve called all concerned parties every week to make sure I’m not missed again (happened twice!)
I would suggest you call weekly
Keep your name known and explain your anxiety, the good news is that if it is cancer, it’s usually very slow growing and usually takes years to develop so these weeks of waiting are unlikely to be too detremental
Best of luck to you, do keep in touch x

Hi Robin,

Thank you very much for your reply. I contacted the community health council for my area yesterday to flag up my concerns. Im not usually one to complain but this is just so important!! They have contacted pathology who have replied to them that it is being looked at so hopefully that will help to make things a bit quicker.

For me everything was really quick and quite organised up to the point of Lletz result but then initially i was told 3-5 days for results and then more recently 8 weeks due to staffing etc. I think the concern for me in the back of my head is that 3 years ago my smear was clear of hpv and now they are quering cancer…so i worry i have something fast growing.

Im so sorry that youve had to fight for everything and have been missed on occasions. Its all stressful enough without having to fight your way through it all. It sounds like you are now on your way to getting things sorted though. A hysterectomy must be scarey but it must be a relief to finally have a date and then you can move forward with your recovery and the rest of your life.

I think there is a really big chance that a hysterectomy may be next for me as this has been discussed. Im 56 and post menopause so it makes sense for me. Good luck with your operation and please do keep in touch and let me know how you get on.
Wendy x

I too had CGIN and am in Wales. I had a Lletz under general anaesthetic. My results took 8 weeks to come back. The consultant rang me every week after 5 weeks to keep me updated. Not sure if that was worse as I kept thinking it was bad news. Eventually rang to say that no cancer and they had clear margins. He said they had done extra tests to make double sure there was no cancer. Hope that helps.

Thank you for your reply. Yes it does help and im really pleased that you had good results x

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I was told I would receive a letter 3-4 weeks after my lletz. After 4 weeks I rang and was advised my results were back and had been read. I was advised the results were not worrying and would get a letter soon. I agree the wait is stressful, even more so when it takes longer than advised. Wish redultd could be so much faster. I had a gynaecologist appointment and then a colcoscopy within a week of my suspicious smear which was an amazing response, but getting the results has dragged