Awaiting Lletz results... worried

Hello all, 


I just wanted to say this site has been amazing, a real help. It’s great to hear other ladies stories. 


I had had my second smear test December 2017. It took 6 weeks for the results to come back. The letter said ‘slight cell changes’ , this didn’t worry me as I have had an abnormal smear the year before which showed CIN1. After the colposcopy last year nothing was done as low grade and they presumed t would clear up on its own. 

Anyway cut back to my results letter, they said slight changes and colposcopy appointment has been made. But when I got there before I was examined the doctor had explained that the results from the smear are a lot worse than the year before. Which he thought would clear up. 

Mai when examined me he said had grown in size and different severity. Was now CIN3. 

Lletz was performed at the appointment. I was worried as I have read some people go home and get an appointment a few weeks later for Lletz, but I see some get it done the same day, why is this? Because they can already see it’s bad? 


The doctor said he would see me in 6 months for another colposcopy. I came out a little shaken at the CIN3 result. As it only took a year from cin1 to CIN3. But overall happy I got treatment. 


But reading online line I see some women who have CIN2 and cin 3 and have treatment are unexpectedly called back anywhere between 2 weeks and 6 weeks later to attend an appointment , where cervical cancer is found or more Lletz needed. 


This is worrying. If any ladies have your experiences or stories  to tell or advice to give please feel free. 


Thanks so much 




First smear summer 2016 

Results- Borderline 

colposcopy -CIN1 ( no Further action required) 

Second smear- Christmas 2017

Results- changes (colposcopy required) 

Colposcopy Feb 7th 2018- Cin3. Lletz required, same day treatment 

Awaiting Lletz results... 


Hey this was me last year i had LLETZ same day i got the all clear and CIN3 all removed just on 6month checks stay positive x