Awaiting lletz- what will results show??

Hi there,
Just wondered if anyone could help me?!
I am due to have lletz treatment on the 9th August after receiving biopsy results of Cin1/2. both my gp and colposcopy nurse assured me that there wasn’t any indication of anything sinister.
So - lletz booked. But I will receive results after lletz???!!
Are the results just to say it’s been removed successfully or is it like another biopsy- I just am worrying I think. I keep thinking I am in the clear of it being anything more serious, but then worrying that they will send another lot of results out.
Ahhh it’s driving my head mad to be honest.
Hope someone can put my mind at rest!

8th June- 16- moderate dysk smear results
24th June- 16- colposcopy and 2 punch biopsies
22/7 - 16 - CIN 1/2 on biopsy result

9/8 /16- lletz booked

Hello, I've just had my lletz and have received my results 3 weeks later (I was told it can take up to 6). The results told me what they had found (cin3), that it looked as though they'd removed it all and need a smear again in 6m. 

its really easy to panic but the good news is that your results have shown cin 1 and 2 and not a cancer. The lletz will remove the abnormal cells and this will reduce your chances of cancer in the future. They'll analyze the sample they remove to check their diagnosis was right and they will write to you with the results. 


hope that helps x