Long wait time for LLETZ and CIN3

Hello :wave: I’m really panicking about my results from a recent colposcopy where they did a biopsy. I waited 4 weeks and finally called the clinic to ask if my results were ready. They told me my case had been discussed at a meeting and I would be booked in for a LLETZ in may! That’s 3 months away!
I was sick with worry last night as I hadn’t seen the letter and had no idea what they found. I was a bit panicked on the phone so didn’t ask many questions.
I tried to call the GP but they had no appointments, then this morning the phone line had 41 people in the queue.
I managed to view my letter on patient access today and it said CIN3 with koilocytosis.
I’ve been told that it’s slow to develop into cancer, but I am beside myself with worry and can’t help thinking the worst. My sept 2018 smear was all clear so if it’s slow how has it developed into CIN3 so quickly?
Has anyone else had such a long wait? How did you cope with the anxiety? It’s all I can think of right now.

Good Morning!

I’m still waiting for my biopsy results to come back but mine has all happened really quickly.
Had my smear results back last Wednesday then a letter on Thursday to say my Colposcopy was Tuesday just gone.

But they said could be waiting for my results for up to 4 weeks. 3 months away seems a long time did you get told anything during your colposcopy?

My Dr didn’t really tell me anything as there was also a student nurse that he was explaining things too. My previous smear 3 years ago showed I only had HPV, 3 years later I still have it and have high grade (moderate) dyskaryosis.

The waiting is really hard, I don’t usually suffer with health anxiety but I’ve not been very well since Christmas, fatigue, Had a chest infection , blood tests done etc.

How are you coping?

Hi Lauren, sorry to hear you’ve been ill recently. Hopefully you’re starting to recover. I waited 4 weeks for my biopsy results and then called the colposcopy clinic who told me over the phone that I’d need a LLETZ. It was a surprise as the nurse told me when I had my procedure done that they thought it was actually low grade and would likely heal on its own. I was a bit shocked to be told I needed lletz after that.
I do suffer from health anxiety so I don’t know how I’m going to manage the next 3 months. I also did a private blood test to put my mind at ease and it said I have extremely low ferritin levels so I’m back to the doctor’s. Feeling tired, drained and anxious that there’s something seriously wrong.
Fingers crossed you get your biopsy results back quicker than me. How are you feeling about it?


I’m also sorry to hear that you are going through this, Yeah they stated 4 weeks as I was leaving, I feel like I had loads of questions to ask when I was there, but they all went totally out of the window!
I think I was expecting to have LLETZ there and then just by reading on this forum, but now I’m glad I didn’t have that as it was quite painful just having him look at my cervix.

Do you think they do the biopsy first to see what CIN it comes back as? the Dr didn’t give me any indication on what he thought, I remember my first colposcopy back in 2017 they were talking me through everything. This one it was like I wasn’t even there haha.

I’m sorry to also hear that you’re not feeling well, its annoying because I think you know your own body, I repeatedly had to push doctors for tests etc.

Hi ladies.
I have just had my lletz result back after 8.5 weeks! :weary::crazy_face:…it has completely driven me up the wall with anxiety however we MUST remember its all preventing us from getting Cancer. If a Doctor suspects its something sinister then you are put on a 2 week pathway. It doesn’t sound like they are worried about it if they are leaving you for 3 months prior to treatment.
My result from my Lletz are being discussed in an MDT meeting next Thursday. Im guessing its because they haven’t got it all. I assume perhaps I will need more Lletz. I can deal with that. It wasn’t bad at all once everything was numb.
Its bloody annoying :roll_eyes:… I completely understand how your feeling. Try not to worry. X

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I know what you mean about pushing doctors, I’ve been having pelvic pains and weird symptoms for a few years and had to really push for any tests. It was a routine smear that led me to colposcopy though. You definitely know your own body and when something’s not right. I find it hard going to the doctor’s because in the past they’ve told me my symptoms are psychological and it makes me feel like I’m just dismissed as crazy.
Yeah I think they check the biopsy to confirm whether it needs treating.
Haha that doesn’t sound like the best experience! I had a really nice nurse who held my hand and chatted about dogs to take my mind off it. Was exactly what I needed, looking at what he was doing to me on the screen was making me feel queasy :smile:

I didn’t realise they put you on a 2 week pathway, is that to have the treatment? I think I’m.worried because the nurse said she was really sorry but that was the earliest appointment as they have a huge waiting list and she was really apologetic. I was panicked that it is something bad but they don’t have the resources to do anything. I was even wondering whether to spend all my limited savings going private because we’re hoping to move house 2.5 hours away in a few months and I don’t even know if we’ll be here. All the what ifs are so stressful.
Glad you got your results finally, I hope you find out the outcome of the meeting soon so you can put an end to all the waiting and worrying. It’s hard isn’t it?

What a nightmare it all is. 100% normal for us to worry and panic. One thing that helps me is knowing that thousands of women go through this every year. We are obviously the worry pots amongst them.
It will be sorted. Im absolutely sure that if the Colposcopist thought she ought to then you would be put on as urgent. These cells take many years to mutate into the more sinister. That’s why we get looked at so often.
Keep smiling. Our Cervix will thank us for it in the end :muscle: xx