Lletz only treatment for early cc

Hi everyone,
Reassurance needed!

Latest smear showed raised HPV and mild cell changes. Went to colposcopy to discover high grade cell changes and following biopsy doctor found ‘tiny bit of cancer, like 1mm’.

Reassured they managed to take it out with LLETZ treatment, had to go back 6 weeks later to have another LLETZ to remove abnormal cells.
Results showed clear margins with no further evidence of malignancy.

You’d think I’d be delighted but after reading very similar stories on here it seems hysterectomies are offered, scans are undertaken etc.

I’m 43 with 3 children so no need to preserve fertility. I’m in Scotland, I know protocols can be different in different areas.

Anyone else had this, simple, conservative management and it’s been fine?

I will be contacting my doctor for clarification but need similar stories please.

Yes, I had this. I’m now two and a half years past treatment and have been HPV negative ever since. Still get a bit anxious bit it’s not too bad. I did have a scan as a precaution but I was told this was just to follow procedure.
Good luck. The emotional journey was the most difficult but for me.

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Thanks for your reply. That’s great you’ve been HPV negative and had no further issues.
I hope that continues for you.
I’ve been quite surprised about how emotional I’ve been and how much I’m dwelling on every detail.

I wouldn’t say no further issues, the lletz caused some problems with my periods as I got stenosis following the procedures. However, no further issues with HPV, thankfully.
Emotionally it was hard. I had counselling through the hospital which helped. Looking back I can see it was a process I had to work through. And now having been through it I can see that I am a stronger person than I was before. I’m also much happier with my life now as it made me reassess a few things and make positive changes.
Although it’s hard at first, I hope you can find your way through it with strength, growth and positivity.

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