Lletz injections hurting fear

I am due to have a lletz procedure on Monday and I am TERRIFIED that the local anesthetic will a) - really really hurt and b) - not be effective enough and I’ll feel the burning.

I had a panic attack during my colposcopy becuase I was terrified and I would love some positive stories of the injections not being bad?

Hello Rebecca .I didn’t feel the injection at all for me Lletz was totally painless. Coloscopy was way more uncomfortable as done without anestesia to be honest don’t understand why they don’t use local anestesia for Coloscopy. Good luck don’t worry is really not bad the injection.

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Omg thank you so much!! Yes I found the colposcopy painful/uncomfortable! No idea why they don’t use local for that

Thank you again :relaxed:

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Just to confirm everyone, just had my Lletz and I didn’t feel a thing!


That’s great news. Well done, you got through it. I hope you are doing something nice today to forget about it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Fantastic Rebecca very happy for you :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand: