Lletz as colposcopy unclear & high hpv16

So my specialist conducted tests after a normal pap but random bleeding. Basically she did a coloscopy but I bled really badly as my cervix just bleeds when they insert the thing so she couldn't see and couldn't get a good biopsy. She did get results for high grade HPV 16 & indications of a high grade leison from the rest of the tests. However she couldn't diagnose abnormal cells and wouldn't be able to do so via a coloscopy so she said in order to investigate she recommends do a lletz procedure under general anethesis

I was really anxious to start and I told her that. But she said she wouldn't suggest the diagnostic surgery unless she truely thought it should happen and she said it is a really minor surgery and the risks of complication are extremely rare (also gave me the no surgery is without risk) She also said the lletz could help with the bleeding as it would effectively seal the raw cells that are causing the irregular bleeding at the very least. Ie. The symptom I went there for to start it. She said she could refer me to other specialists etc if I was really anxious but I actually really trust her as at first she told me I wouldn't have the procedire for 3 weeks but as soon as I was extremely anxious she said she could get me in within a week to help with my anxiety and fit with my training and has called me multiple times to clear things up with me. Timing of this works best for me with things so I'm going to have it in a few days. I'm just really scared as I have no kids, I want them and I'm the fittest and healthiest I've ever been. I feel like this will put me through extreme for nothing. But then other parts of me thinks if there's no other way to check its for the best so Im better off doing it and knowing rather than having it hang over my head also knowing that risks are low. 

My friend has had this under local and she said she found it very easy and no worries to get over and she is clear now. She's adamant that I should do it and get the peace of mind now when it is more convenient time wise for recovery as well as knowing waiting is just going to be prolonging the inevitable. I also waited about 8 months to even go to the specialist as I was scared so I'm known to put it off.

So I know i have to do it, but my main concern is that i could be risking my fertility by having it and it could be nothing. I feel so stupid. One day im fine and I'm just like just do it. Realistically I just need a pep talk that I'm doing the right thing to have it done.