LEEP 2 years ago-When can I have another smear?

I had moderate abnormal cells removed 2 years ago and after an all clear 6 months later it’s been around a year and a half since my last smear. When should I have one again? My age group generally it would be every 3 years but can I have one sooner? TIA

Hi nicoleaudrey

You should be invited 3 year from the date of your test of cure, GPs generally won’t offer you one between those dates as it’s extremely unlikely when you were given the all clear not too long ago… however if you are experiencing any form of symptoms and they believe it can’t be explained by anything else they can investigate further but without symptoms they won’t usually do it even then some are still reluctant (my experience can’t speak for others lol) x

Some decide to go down the private route if they can afford it and pay for it themselves, but usually this is when symptoms are present and they feel fobbed off x

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If you had the all clear after your treatment, you’ll be called for 3years after that treatment - the ‘all clear’ suggests that any abnormal cells were successfully treated, you’re HPV negative, and therefore you are at a very low risk of developing further abnormalities.

If you see your GP during this time because you have any symptoms such as abnormal bleeding, you’ll more than likely have a gynae referral, you wouldn’t routinely have another smear.

Gp surgeries will only take smears when you’re called for your smears, and not before, not because they’re reluctant, unwilling or uninterested. It’s because those samples are usually rejected for being taken “too early”. There are very clear protocol s and guidance for cervical screening, and for follow up, which smear takers in a GP practice have to follow, as frustrating as that sounds. I’m not sure about arranging to have smears taken privately.

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