Issues ever since my colposcopy/punch biopsy

Hi everyone,

Sorry if this is a bit of a rant but I’m feeling really down :frowning:

I had a colposcopy and punch biopsy on 18th November and I’ve had non stop issues since. A few days later I was in a lot of pain, went to the out of hours doctors and was diagnosed with a uti and thrush and given medication - unfortunately gp prescribed me the wrong thrush cream so it did nothing, and the antibiotics gave me horrendous side effects. Got switched to different antibiotics and ended up at a late night pharmacy a few days later in agony down there, and was given thrush tablets and better cream, better pain relief and things seemed to clear up after a few days off work and rest. Had some swabs taken as a precautionary, which came back with a bacterial infection but because my symptoms seemed to clear up and my cervix was healed upon inspection (so the infection wasn’t there), it was deemed no further action.

A week later, the pain started coming back, I tried ignoring it thinking it was in my head but again got to a point where I was in tears and could barely walk or stand up. As I’ve had reactions/side effects of a number of antibiotics in the past I was sent to the emergency gynae ward as they have access to other antibiotics, and I was sent away with Clindamycin and told at the end of it to get swabs redone to ensure it’s fully gone as it was a 2nd option antibiotic. I’m on the last day of my Clindamycin now and whilst it’s better than it was at the start of treatment, im still in pain when walking or cold, and really don’t think it’s gone :frowning: I’ve been prescribed more thrush stuff as dr thought I maybe got thrush from the antibiotics, but I really feel that the bacterial infection hasn’t gone and my follow up swabs aren’t until Saturday morning.

I’m completely miserable, been off work for a week already and I’m now signed off for two weeks due to pain and how bad my mental health has got due to all this. I found the colposcopy and punch biopsy traumatic as it was due to past experiences, and I feel like I can’t just get on with my life and move on from it, I’m even having nightmares about weird gynae procedures. Bacterial infections are generally common but I don’t know many people who have had massive pain with them. I just feel like it’s never gonna end and I’m so down. Unsure if any of it’s even related to the procedure I had but it’s weirdly coincidental, has anyone else just seemed to become completely aggravated down there after similar procedures? God knows what I’ll do if there’s any follow up treatment I need…

Hi, I know this is a while ago but your experience sounds very similar to mine. Had colposcopy, biopsy, and polyp removal at the end of August and have been having thrush-like soreness and pain ever since. Had antibiotics, flucozanole, but just seem to be in a bit of a cycle where it’s always irritated.

My biopsy results also came back as CIN1.
Did you get any answers?

Hey, that’s okay! I never did get answers no. For a very long time it felt like I had a uti and thrush constantly, but all tests were negative. Had referrals and all sorts and didn’t get anywhere sadly. It’s never fully gone away but I’m no longer in pain and it’s not constant, it’s very very slowly got better but has taken a year to do so, I feel on and off mild discomfort now. My biggest help for whatever it is has been a vaginal moisturiser, even though I’m not actually dry. The only one that works for me is Replens although it leaves a weird residue, it’s a small price for being comfortable. I hope you feel better soon and find something to help you, it’s such a weird thing to happen.

Thanks for that advice. Maybe I’ll give that moisturiser a go! I’m glad you are finally feeling a bit better. Yes it’s just so frustrating how long it can take to feel back to normal!

You’re welcome - if you do use it, don’t be alarmed if you get some weird looking flaky discharge, it’s pretty common and it’s harmless just a little annoying, and it took a couple of uses before it really started to help me. It’s strange how bodies can react to things, and frustrating when doctors don’t have the answers. I ended up quite depressed for awhile with it, the procedure itself I found really frightening, then to have a load of infections and then unexplained pain afterwards was horrible, but things will get better in time!

Yes I’ve been struggling a lot with anxiety about it all. Got a follow up colposcopy in mid-December which I’m already dreading as just hate the idea of being poked and prodded again! Have you had to have any follow ups with the cin1?

I hope it all goes okay for you though I get what you mean about being sick of being poked and prodded! No I haven’t, just yearly smears which to be fair I need to get booked in.