I had a colposcopy done today and 2 biopsies I am terrified

Hey everyone so I am 26 years old and today I had my first colposcopy done. I requested to have one done because for the past three years I have been having abnormal symptoms such as bleeding between periods, pain during sex, and lower back pain. Even though my HPV DNA test and Pap smear tests come back negative 5 times over the course of 2 years I do not trust it. I decided to go with my instinct and have my gyno perform a colposcopy on me. Today she saw two abnormal areas on my cervix and she swears up and down there is no way this is cancer I am almost certain. I then asked her could it at least be precancerous cells that you are seeing and she said no. But just to be on the safe side she decided to send it out anyway. She also mentioned my cervix is friable and bleeds easily. My doctor believes this is something else but due to my symptoms and abnormalities I am just terrified. My only saving grace is that my test always come back negative but at this point I am just at a loss and very scared about my biopsy results.