
Hi everyone, sorry for posting - just having a wobble. It seems that either I have cells that keep coming back or they didn’t all go following my Lletz at the beginning of this year. I’ve had several colposcopies & biopsies and due to other issues with heavy bleeding & bloating, I’ve agreed to have a hysterectomy as proposed by my consultant. I know it’s the best thing to do, everything is going to be removed and it’ll reduce the risk and stop the heavy bleeding. I’m just having a wobble - I’m on the waiting list as priority so it’s likely it’ll happen sometime in Jan/early Feb. Got to have a scan next week as a previous scan showed a cyst so the consultant wants that checked before the operation. The closer it gets, the more worried I get - dreaming about it or should I say nightmares about scans, operation, C …… my mind’s on overdrive. My cervix has always caused me issues …. my 1st little boy was born too soon at 23 weeks and caused my other boys to be prem despite cervical sutures so you’d think I’d be glad to get rid. I am, I will be, I’m just overthinking it all. Sorry, not sure what anyone can do, just thought it might help to hear from anyone who’s been in a similar situation x


Hey Ali,

Might not be much help but a problem shared may be a problem halved. Ive not been officially staged but the head of the oncology dept where I went has staged me at 2 with lymphovascular invasion which from what Ive read is pretty much 3, but I am preparing myself for hysterectomy, radio and chemo. Had my Pet/CT scan and will get my treatment plan on the 4th. I have a 19th month old and worse is my 3 yrs old retriever and very needy frenchie…sooo worried about that more than anything. Feel free to reach out xx

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Hi AliG,

I completely feel your anxiety. I am having to decide whether to have a hyserectomy after abnormal cells have been removed twice by Lletz and have now returned after my last treatment 12 months ago. My mind is in overdrive too – it’s probably the best thing to do and I’m worried that if I don’t do something there may some worse ‘pathology’ that’s out of sight. I have an appointment with a consultant to find out more and make a decision and I too am going round in circles. Although I don’t have children and am post menopause - so you’d think the decision would be easier! - I am terrified of complications and side effects and the enormousness of a large operation. My appointment is today hence being on this forum for some bolstering and shared experiences that might help! I hope sharing my fears too can help in some small way.


Hi Sarah and Jule, thanks for replying.

I know it’s such a big decision and although I know it’s the right one, I’m still worried. I haven’t heard anything as yet as my consultant wanted me to have a scan first as I have a cyst.

I had the scans yesterday, abdominal and internal. The sonographer was extremely thorough and obviously could see something in addition to the cells as he asked if I suffered from heavy periods, which I do and they’ve been getting worse.

Now it’s just a waiting game to see what the consultant says after getting my scan results.

Jule - like you, I’m scared too but deep down I know it’s the best decision to have a hysterectomy. I’ve spent the past year worried about cells and I can’t go on.
We can do this!


Hi AliG,

I hope you have heard from your consultant now and have a way forward. I too have spent a long time worrying about abnormal cells, it’s there all the time and it’s so difficult to know what to do. Mine has fluctuated over around 10 years and although I’m not there yet, the screening stops when you get to 64, so an added sense of needing to go ahead with a hysterectomy. Enough is enough!

Thank you for your encouragement - yes we can do it! And when it’s all done the worry will be less (hopefully!) and we’ll wonder why we were so scared! I haven’t got a date yet but it could be in the next couple of months.

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Hi Jule, I have a date which is fast approaching. Pre-op next Tues and then op on 12.02.24. I’ll be glad when it’s all over, I’m just so worried that while they’re doing the op, they’ll find something that’s been missed. My mind is on overdrive and I’m all over the place. Thanks for messaging, hopefully you’ll get a date soon too!

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I understand all this. Am waiting For my hysterectomy pre op was December. Its now February and I’m nervous/ impatient/ worried/ not prepared. I know what it entails but the nerves creep up on you… just waiting for your appointment. Good Luck everyone x

Hi AliG I hope all goes well for you on the 12th and for a speedy recovery. That’s (one of!) my big fears too - what else might there be. Hopefully there won’t be anything more and we can get on with our lives once it’s done. Best wishes. x