Hysterectomy and hysteroscopy?

My latest conversation with consultant was that cervical squamous carcinoma cells were removed via lletz under general anaesthetic and clear margins. I was called in again to say MDT said total hysterectomy was agreed. I’ve agreed with this but tbh I’m in a bit of a daze with it all. If everything was removed and MRI and PET scan is clear why are they recommending hysterectomy? I’ve received a letter today to say I will be having bilateral salpingo oophorectomy and now a vaginoscopy? This all seems alot to take in and not sure if anyone has experienced this? I’m 45 and perimenopause and I guess if that’s what they recommend is what I need to do. I do not want the cancer to come back and spread. But just wondering what people have experienced with all of this.

Please anyone?

Hi, how are you feeling? Did you go ahead with the surgery? I hope you are feeling okay now. I’m in a very similar situation to you only difference I have clear cells carcinoma ( a rare type of cancer or sth).
Stage 1A1 so the tumour is 2mm or was, as I had LLETZ back in August, then biopsy came back and the said that they will do MDT, had PET, CT, MRI, ultrasounds, all clear and then been told that they suggesting radical hysterectomy, so basically removing everything including ovaries etc.
I’m 32 yo, single, no children. I’m very active and I’m scared now of how the hysterectomy will affect my body and life…
I wish you all the best, hope you are feeling okay. <3