HSIL - Colposcopy positive

Hi lovely ladies, 


I had had a lovely lady doctor ask me if I was due for a Pap smear and I said that I was. I went ahead and did the Pap smear, 1 week later found out I was pregnant and 1 week after that I got the news I had a HSIL. 


I was referred for colposcopy with my gynae, that came back also HSIL. She said not to be to concerned but has referred me to see a gynaecological oncologist for further testing. 


I am very concerned, I will be 10 weeks at the oncologist appointment. Do they do biopsies on pregnant women? Am I at risk of termination due to needing treatment. There are so many questions I have, it is just a killer having to wait for these type of appointments and not knowing. 


Thanks ladies