New to all of this

Hello ladies,

I just recently had an abnormal pap come back. When I was at my Drs getting the results she informed me it was hsil. I’m so confused about all of this and can’t seem to find the info I’m looking for. Is it possible for them to know its hsil from the pap?

I had a colpscopy this Monday and the dr took 3 punch biopsys. She said that there is diseased cells evident.

Should I be concerned?

Hi Shanndie:

If your pap revealed HSIL then the next step, which you had, would be a colposcopy to take a closer look.  The biopsies your doc took will be analyzed to see exactly what your abnormal cells are up to. If the biopsies confirm moderate to severe changes in the cells of the cervix the doc will probably do a LLETZ or a LEEP to get rid of them. 

When do you get your results?


Hi Teresa,

Thank you for your reply. I'm finding it all  lot to take in. Plus add not sleeping so great and nothing is sticking. 

My Dr told me that the results will be in by no later than the 15th of August. It feels like such a long time to wait. Hopefully that's just worst case scenario.