How long for results after colposcopy and lletz?

I know my doctor said it would be 3-4 weeks before I got my results, but I’m feeling really impatient and wondered if many people got their results earlier than that?
I’ve been trying to put it to the back of my mind and not think about it, but I feel the more time passes the more impatient and nervous I get. I keep thinking about it all the time.
I’m also now worried I may have an infection so going to ring my gp tomorrow.
Maybe I’m just overthinking things and worrying too much. I don’t know.

I had my biopsy taking nearly 6 weeks ago and still waiting on results!

Oh my really?!! how are you feeling about it all?  I can imagine you're getting very impatient?!



Yes I haven't been best pleased iv been ringing my doctors and they still ain't received iv had non stop problems and they can't seem to sort it

I'm still waiting for my results,  I'm 4 weeks post lletz today. I'm not in UK I'm in Ireland where things are generally slower when it comes to health anyway.  

I had my results letter 3 an a half weeks after lletz, isn't waiting just the worst :( I know exactly how u feel, I was so anxious and didn't once stop thinking about it 

big hugs xx

Thanks guys. It does seem I'll have to wait a few more weeks at least then. 

im just going to try to not think about it. This forum is so helpful though, being able to hear about other people's experiences makes me feel better. And to know other people are going through the same thing, I don't really know anyone personally who has had anything similar, other than my mum who had cc but a long time ago and it seems times have changed a lot, for the better! 

hopefully won't be too much longer to wait for you Rachelj and jacqui! 


I just want to let you know I got mine today I had to ring them and it has taken nearly 7wks and my result is CIN 3. 

I also wanted to say if you need an ear to bend feel free to msg me as I have no one to talk to either and when I do try no one seems to understand my anxiety or feelings. I think unless you are in the position at the current time you can't relate to the person going through the process. 

