High Risk HPV for 3+ years but now 3 years until next smear even though positive?

I’ve had high risk HPV for 3/4 years now, and just had my 2nd colposcopy (previously had one late 2022). My last colposcopy (after smear found borderline changes) result came back in the post as CIN1, and then my last smear in Dec 2023 said borderline changes again, so I had another colposcopy a few weeks ago.

I just got my result through the post (well just the cc’d letter that has gone to my doctors) and goes into no detail, just says after biopsy ‘HPV detected’ and that my next smear should be in 3 years time… but I’ve been having them yearly, have high risk HPV still and 2 smears with borderline changes. Surely 3 years is way too long and for those who don’t have HPV? Has anyone else experienced this?

Going to call my doctors tomorrow but can never get through or an appointment.

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Hi lovely

I’ll keep this simple as I had the same situation. HPV positive no cell changes and put to 3 yearly.

Only smear missed was over covid. My GP stopped doing them. Got my call up in 2023 and I tested positive for cancer

DO NOT let them put you to 3 yearly. HPV causes the cancer so imo it should be monitored yearly

Definitely advocate for yourself on this :smile:



It needs to be yearly until hpv is cleared. Itll just beba mistake on the letter.

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If that was me I would be insisting you have them yearly , that’s what my daughter is having every 12 mths

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Hiya… I’m in the same situation, except I’m 59. Had a colposcopy and told everything looks ok except still got hpv, so put back to smears. I asked if that would be yearly and she said no I would have to wait 3 years. Wasn’t happy about that and said I wanted to be seen yearly. Was told I can’t on the nhs as if colposcopy shows it looks ok even with still being hpv positive it’s back to not to being seen again for 3 years, usually 5 for my age group. Because of the worry I paid for a smear, colposcopy and biopsy myself last year, even though I couldn’t really afford it, but needed pieces of mind. Will pay for a private smear again this year to, as my 3 years aren’t up till December 2025. It’s not right to have to do this, I think if you still have hpv you should be tested every year on the nhs😩


Hi @Beth92
I agree with you and everyone else that it is best to push for yearly. Even do it privately if you can. In 2022 I had my smear which came back as HPV but no cell changes. It said to have another smear in a year which I did in 2023. That came back as HPV with borderline changes so I had colposcopy appt 6 weeks later. At the appt they said it was actually high grade changes and did biopsies. Waited another 5 weeks for those results and it led to diagnosis of stage 1B1 cervical cancer!
The fact I was called back a year after the first smear and positive HPV result in 2022 meant it did lead to my cancer being picked up early. If I’d had to wait 3 years I don’t know how different things would be.
Good luck and do advocate for yourselfx


How did you test positive to Cancer? Just by a simple smear test?

@Natalie3 if any changes are detected then biopsies are taken which will give the diagnosis. Unfortunately not all cancer is picked up via smear testing (still important not to miss any smears though). I think persistent hpv, symptoms but “normal looking” cervix should still have biopsies taken. Adenocarcinoma starts at a cellular level so not picked up on a smear test.


Smear came back with abnormal cell changes. Went for lletz under general and when I came around the surgeon Dr told me he believed I had cancer

Confirmed via appt 5 days later from biopsy - stage 3C1

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Thank you