High grade dyskariosis?

hi everyone. 

I’m 24, 25 in December and had my first smear in July (i believe) (my heads a bit all over the place)

the smear was absoloutely fine, actually I laughed during it and the nurse was laughing with me back lol!

i received my results in the post and it said I had high grade (severe) dyskariosis from the lab and I need to go for a colposcopy. 

As to which I’m going to the appointment on 12th september

i just wanted some advice and tips if anyone has had this before? I am absoloutely going out of my mind with worry... 

i don’t even know what the pain will be like etc

just any info would be really appreciative because I feel like the build up is going to be the worst. 

I feel like I’m going to get in there and have a bloody panic attack!!

did anyone take paracetamol before hand? X

hey, i hope youre doing okay?

i had the same as you - smear results showed high grade dyskaryosis and colposcopy was booked.

as it turned out, i got to my colposcopy appointment and they did a LLETZ treatment then and there to remove the cells. but from what ive read on this group, that doesnt always happen and they could just examine you more closely. or take a biopsy.

colposcopies dont hurt. just like a smear but lasts a little longer.

biopsies are also fine - my first colp required them and the dr just made me cough when he took them, so i didnt even feel it.

lletz, they need to inject your cervix with anesthetic, which isnt the most pleasant but its over with quickly so its not totally awful. the actual procedure you cant feel obviously. 

i didnt take any paracetamol or anything and i havent since either cos the pain is so mild for me. 

it is so worrying isnt it, and like you, i was out of my mind. its been 2 weeks since my colp and lletz and still waiting for results, im going crazy haha. 

it will seem like such a long wait so try and keep yourself busy and your mind occupied <3


I had a colposcopy on Monday morning and it didn’t hurt at all. I had a biopsy taken and didn’t feel it. I was just told to ‘cough ’ When they inserted the speculum and took the biopsy. I did find that a lot of things are thrown at you and it’s hard to take it all in when your so nervous and overwhelmed. My consultant was really nice and I was sent away with a leaflet about the after care. 

Good luck and try not to panic xx

Hi Grace,

Let me assure you, the waiting is the WORST! I have had colposocy and LETTZ at the same time. The only thing that stung a little was the local anesthetic and that was only for a few seconds. 

You will be fine, dont worry, it can be a little nerve racking but its because its an unknown thing. Ive got my 2nd tomorrow and not worried about the procedure at all. Take some painkillers before hand if you suffer with period pain because I suffer with mine and founf i had cramps quite soon after the local wore off.

Thinking of you, let us know how you get on#



Try not to worry I had positive HPV16 and CIN3, had a colposcopy last week, it’s  no different to a smear, i get really bad period pains so agree a paracetamol may help but try to relax and think happy thoughts. 

Good luck

Hi everyone. 

I had the colposcopy this morning,

took around 20 minutes; I had a slight panic attack as it was mainly fear of the unknown.

they gave me LLETZ and said there was some abnormal cells but definitely not cancerous which was a relief. I was extremely teary and worked myself up into a fluster. 

I’ve been told I’ve got to go under general anaesthetic yet I’m unsure what for - I think to get rid of all of the abnormal cells (that I know of it’s a bit of a blur), got to go for a pre op on 25th and day surgery on the 1st - I’ve never been under general anaesthetic before and I am absoloutely petrified that I won’t wake up from it. Anybody got any tips?