Heavy bleeding with clots 16 days after Lletz

Hi everyone. 

I have been silently reading on this site now for 4 weeks and what a god send it has been. 

I am having a bit of a hard time just now and wondered if you all have any advice.

I had my Lletz for Cin3 16 days ago. Immeiately after the treatment i bleed for 2 days like a heavy period. Then had the gushing of water for a week after that. Thursday of last week i started what im putting down as a period. Heavy but within a period type bleed. This lasted untill Sarurday night and started to reduce. The next day Sunday i was bleeding bright red blood which got heavier each day. Yesterday i was going through 1 pad every few hours with the gushing every now and again.I called the doctor and got put on ranexamic acid to try and control the flow. 

Last night i had this gushing all night and woke this morning completely soaked. Went to the toilet and ran with blood for a few minutes and passed a plum size clot. So far this morning i have soaked 3 pads and passed another 3 plum size clots. I cLled my doctor back and hes said the only other thing to do is give me antibiotics. Hes really doesnt think i have an infection as i have no pain and no smell. Its just this flow of blood. 

Iv tried calling my colposcopy clinic to be told by the doctor they dont take anything to do with me after procedure and iv to spreak to my gp. 

The gp has said to keep on the ranexamic acid and antibiotic till monday and if im still bleeding as heavy. Then iv to go back and see them. 

Im just worried about the amount of blood im loosing. And if its ok to leave it over the weekend if this flow keeps as bad as it is. Im currently lying in my bed because as soon as i stand up. Im soaked through. 

Thank you so much to anyone that can give any advice.

Lisa x