Has anyone had Lletz under general anaesthetic

Hi all. Just a quick back ground i had my smear in September which came back hg severe dyskaryosis, went to my colposcopy 2 weeks later and the gynecologist checked my cells and said smear had found glandular cells and as he would need to take a large area so he wouldn’t do anything now but book me in for lletz under general anaesthetic. I had a nurse phone me today exactly a week since my colposcopy to do a pre op and she said it would be within the next 2-3 weeks. I am just worried about waiting that long for the lletz/biopsy as from what ive read most people get it done straight away at their colposcopy. I just keep thinking is it getting worse whilst im waiting!

Hi @Anonymous175

A few weeks is unlikely to make a difference in the results, even when cell changes have progressed quickly its usually a matter of months rather than weeks… i had my LLETZ under GA, at my colposcopy i had a massive bleed while i was getting the gown on, luckily they were able to still do it but they could only do punch biopsies i had the results 2 weeks later: CIN3, I had an appointment 3 weeks later with local but that failed because they told me they were also looking for an invasion when i was lying there so i was a wreck decided the best thing was to do it under general, then there was a further 2 week wait for the appointment which was another 2 weeks later, all in all it took over 9 weeks for my LLETZ and it didnt make a difference in the results i still had CIN3 cells xx

@Tinkerbelle29 thank you so much for sharing your experience you really have put my mind at ease :slight_smile: i have so far only read of people getting lletz in their colposcopy apt so was getting worried they were leaving me, even though it isnt that long.

How were you afterwards? X

Its not uncommon to wait when they decide general is best for us, i had the same fears when i was waiting even convinced myself that because of what theyd said, the symptoms i was having and the extra weeks they were going to find something much worse, luckily id just gotten in my own head lol

I was just a little tired afterwards but i was fine the next day, i had some slight cramping along with some brown watery discharge for the 4 weeks but apart from that i recovered quickly xx

Hey lovely. It sounds like you’re actually going to get seen quite quickly. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
I’m currently 7 weeks since having two biopsies taken at my colposcopy no results yet. I was told I’d have lletz under general anaesthesia too. I had a phone call 3 weeks after my colposcopy to do a pre op but the Dr did tell me he wouldn’t let them operate until my biopsies are back. I’m sure if things progressed quickly over a few weeks they wouldn’t leave us waiting :relaxed:

@Nwyatt87 thank you, i hope you get your results soon that is a long time to wait. And hopefully you dont have to wait too long for your appointment.

I think its because he didn’t even do a biopsy at my colposcopy he just put the dye stuff on my cervix & said he wanted to do biopsy/lletz under general anaesthetic. X

Had my LLETZ last week under GA as had too much to be removed for local. I’m back at work but feel drained, brown discharge and crampy pains. Not used to feeling like this (my periods stopped 4 years ago due to menopause) as I am never ill and have an extremely busy life and job (I know must of us do!) Now awaiting results. I was a wreck in the theatre too. It’s all been so quick - about 6 weeks from start to finish. Be kind to yourself, I’m trying to be and I’m also saying No a little bit more to everyone!

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Hi can I ask is there anyone having cin3 and told to do lLETZ under Local anesthetic? Can I ask is that painful? Whether the lletz can remove the bad cells?does any one need the second lletz

Hi all, I am due to have a LLETZ under GA next week.

I had my smear at the end of aug and I got my results around a month later, high grade HPV and high grade dyskaryosis, the hospital called me the same day I received my smear results and I was booked in the next day for a colposcopy…… I turned up for the colposcopy to be told I was having a LLETZ there and then, and when the doctor tried to do it, she looked down the scope and said ‘no way absolutely not - you need to have this done under a GA’ she wanted me pre-op’d there and and to be done ASAP!

I had to wait another 2 weeks for the pre-op though, then a further 3 weeks (I think) to get an operation date…… I am finally going in on Friday for the procedure - I am absolutely petrified - it’s been such a rush and when I was ringing for a surgery date I kept getting told I wouldn’t be waiting long due to how urgent I am…… which doesn’t do my nerves any good!

I keep reading posts on here and they are helping me - as I don’t feel like I have very much info at all!

Sorry for the waffling post - you are all amazing, so strong and supportive :heartpulse: xx

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@Olaf1720 ah i am sorry to hear how worried you are too. Did they give you any information as to what it might be or why they were doing it under GA? Thats just like what happened to me! I have had pre op over phone a week after my colposcopy and they are going to get me in for op in the next 2-3 weeks, no date yet. But i got no answers i was asking them things but they wouldn’t say just said they wont know until ive had the biopsy! Its made me panick so much!

I hope Friday goes well. Let us know how you get on.

I thought I’d add my recent experiences which I hope will help. Sorry for the long post!

After abnormal smear and punch biopsies they found CGIN and high grade HPV. The initial treatment was LLETZ under local anesthetic in the colposcopy clinic. They took 1cm (doesn’t sound a lot but I think the cervix is only 3cm) and it wasn’t painful, mainly very uncomfortable but the team coached me through it. I had minor cramps and discharge after as expected. The results from this showed cancer (1A1) plus more abnormal cells and no clear margin so they wanted to do another LLETZ but now under GA - I think the rationale was that as CGIN is harder to detect than CIN (as it’s under the surface) they wanted to ensure a good clean margin.

This was my first GA and the team were amazing at keeping me calm. I told them I was a complete wimp and when I got into the anesthetic room they did a brilliant job of distracting me! I was asleep before I knew it. I was home pretty quick the same day. I had similar cramping and discharge pains as before. The consultant explained that they took more away than planned as it didn’t look right so I was pleased I was knocked out! The tests came back showing more cancer cells (1A2) so I went on to have a radical tracalectomy (removal of cervix and lymph nodes only as I don’t have children).

I was worrying about the times between getting diagnosed and appointments for MRI and the procedures. I had to wait to heal from the LLETZ for min. 6 weeks before my big operation. The team got me in as quick as they could and reassured me CC is fairly slow moving. Thankfully I had the all clear after my RT results came back and will now have regular surveillance.

You don’t have to put a brave face on if you need support. Take it all step by step, and let the medical team know how you are feeling as they can give you the reassurance that will help you get through it.

Stay strong ladies! xx

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She said she couldn’t see the clear margins and the abnormalities goes to posterior…. She also mentioned about cervical ectropion as well.

I really wish and think we should be better informed about our bodies - everything seems to be cloak and dagger we could at least be more prepared!

I had to have a face to face pre-op done…. Had an ecg and bloods done too!!

I would ring up once a week to try and get an op date …… that’s what I did, I just want it done and dusted and out of the way!

Fingers crossed you get an op date soon - I’ll let you know how I get on - hopefully the consultant will give me some info post-op! Xx

I haven’t had kids yet and I am scared that they are going to take too much cervix and will leave me unable to carry a child to full term.

The GA side it doesn’t bother me at all, am more bothered about what’s going on down there and if I’ll still be able to get pregnant.

I don’t have any abnormal bleeding - my periods are regular, I have lower back pain but I have a prolapsed disc at L4/S1 - which has been confirmed by an MRI.

I haven’t had a smear for 10 years though and that one came back abnormal …. I am kicking myself that I didn’t do anything about it now - but I think it’s too late for ifs, buts and maybes!

Have you been advised about what happens if/when you fall pregnant in relation to no cervix?

It sounds like you’ve been through a lot, hope you’re ok now? Thank you for sharing your experience xx

The family issue has been a real worry for me too during treatment. Make sure your medical team know your family plans so they can consider that with any treatment and advise you properly. You should be able to still conceive naturally after LLETZ. There is a slight increase in risk for pre term birth, but you would be monitored closely throughout.

Following my RT procedure I now have a stitch where my cervix was. If I get pregnant (our plan is via IVF) there is an increased chance of pre term birth and I would have to have a c section. But we at least have a chance to try so fingers crossed!!

Don’t think back on the missed smears, you took the right action and are getting sorted now. One step at a time xx

I did read about a stitch that can be put in for pregnancy. I am hopefully going down the IVF route next year - I have already started the process but I obviously need to get this sorted out first!

Thank you so much for your advice it really is appreciated xx

I’m awaiting biopsy results - had one 6 months ago which showed CIN3 but due to my age waited 6 months & repeat biopsy before treatment. If it’s still CIN3 which Dr thinks it is I’ll have it removed under GA since it’s a large area and I found biopsy really painful.

I’m only 25 and definitely want children so that side of me is worried. Not bothered about going under. I’ve been under before and would rather be out and pain / discomfort free!

I was always under the impression that if I had CC it’d be picked up via biopsy but now I’m worried LLETZ might show something worse? Is that common? What if I’ve had it these past 6 months and not realised, surely they wouldn’t have left me if there was that chance?

Also to add I don’t really have any symptoms just bad period pains (but I’ve always had this)

I do have some swollen glands in that area which I’ve had for around 3 years and seen GP twice about, the most recent time was since my first colp so mentioned the CIN3 but he didn’t seem concerned & said it was anything dodgy they would’ve changed over that time frame, but now I’m freaking out!

Hi all, just thought I would update you from my LLETZ on Friday.

The procedure it’s self went well apparently, I was told that if anything that needs further treatment was found I’ll get a phone call in about 2 weeks to invite me for a face to face consultation to discuss my results. Or I will get a letter in the post in about 3 weeks if they have got everything and no further treatment is needed, I will just need another smear in 6 months ‘test for cure’ or something like that!

After the procedure while I was in recovery I had a massive bleed, to the point where I nearly needed a blood transfusion and nearly ended up back in theatre! It was absolutely horrific. All the staff were amazing though. I ended up having to have a vaginal put in awake which was brutal then I was catheterised straight after which was horrible as well. Anyway the bleeding slowed down enough for me to be discharged at 10.30pm!! I am still bleeding but no where near as much as I was…. It’s going to be a long 3-4 weeks I think!!

Hopefully no one goes through what I did, if you do accept every pain killer they offer and ask for it to be doubled!!
Am not in any pain now though (the pack/catheter going in was the only painful bit) but I feel like I should be in pain due to the amount of times I was asked if I needed any painkillers!

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@Olaf1720 oh my…it sounds like you went through it after the op. Im glad all is ok though and you didnt need blood! How are you feeling now?

I called my hospital to chase my appointment as had pre op 26th October and still haven’t heard anything they are now saying week of 13th December!! I told them i am really worried about waiting until then as i thought if severe cell changes were found you had to be treated in 2 weeks! My smear was in September and colposcopy was mid October. Im scared its getting worse whilst im waiting :frowning: it seems most people have some sort of treatment within a couple of weeks of smear but ive had no biopsy or lletz.

Wow I would keep calling them - I phoned at least once a week …. If you keep ringing they may just give you a date. I think I’d still be waiting if I didn’t ring up constantly!

Yer am ok now - still bleeding but that’s to be expected - feel a bit more tired than I normally would though so am having the week off work! I passed a huge blood yesterday which was a bit scary - I thought I would stop bleeding after that …. But nope!!

Let me know when you get your date through - it’s very difficult to concentrate on anything else but try not to worry to much - I know it’s difficult not too - I work in an operating theatre and I had myself dead and buried 6 times over…. I don’t do gynae though! This forum has helped me ground myself so much - I stayed off google as well.

Am here if you need a chat xx

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