General anaesthetic for LLETZ

Today I attended an appointment for LLETZ after having a biopsy taken during my colposcopy. I found my colposcopy to be quite traumatic and actually ended up crying on the table so have been dreading this appointment ever since. The doctor barely inserted the speculum and I just had a nervous meltdown… once again crying on the table and feeling like a fool. Because I was in so much distress, the doctor could not perform the procedure and I have been referred to undergo LLETZ under general anaesthetic within 4 - 6 weeks . I am so embarrassed and frustrated that I couldn’t have this done today. I was wondering if anyone else has had a LLETZ under general anaesthetic? How much time did you have to take off work? I have never been under before and am quite nervous…

Hi there. I was exactly the same as you. I found the speculum painful so ended up having lletz under general. Like you I had never had a ga before. I was so nervous and scared. But honestly it happens so quickly before you know it you’ll be waking up. My procedure lasted half an hour. I had a bit of a stomach ache and bled for a few days. I napped for a few days to. This is just the after affect of ga. I went back to work after a week. Have you had a lletz before? I did some research on here as to what to expect and I’m glad I did. This forum is brilliant for questions and answers. Happy to answer any questions you may have of my experience. But honestly GA is nothing to worry about x

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Hi @Pookey thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Honestly, this whole thing has been making me feel quite isolated so it’s really reassuring to know that you’ve had the same experience and there’s light on the other side. This is my first time having LLETZ and really hoping the last! Thank you so much again for your kindness and for making me feel less alone :heart:

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Hi I had a Lletz under GA in Jan 23 due to similar issues. Everything went ok and I did feel a bit strange the next day due to the anaesthesia but as I’ve recently had to have another colposcopy and biopsy again, I’d rather have GA.


Hey, I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling like that. I had lletz last week for CIN3 under GA, the build up the few days/hours before are the worst but once you’re in there you have to be strong and trust that you’re in the safest hands. Having GA was actually a pleasant experience and next thing you know you wake up and it’s all over, I even shed a few tears when I heard that it was all done out of pure relief. You’ll be absolutely fine. Mind over matter. In terms of after the procedure I felt a little sore, like really mild period cramps for about 3 days, made sure I rested and took it easy and it was all ok :slight_smile: you got this xx


Hey, wanted to comment as I’m in the same boat as you - I’m waiting for a letter with a date for the procedure that’s due any day now. It’s helped me to read your post and the responses so thank you for sharing here.

I was told that it’s not that uncommon for people to ask to be put under for the procedure. Good luck, I hope your wait isn’t too long xx


Hey there im just waiitng for the letter for a anaesthetic procedure. Was saying will hurt me a lot during colonoscopy. I’m very scared they have found something more. My results after first LLETZ came out positive hpv with high grade precancerous changes which were present at the margins of the specimen . I’m started to worry because that is very close to a cancer :cold_sweat:can you help me . I might need some support during this waiting time. Procedure should be done this week and now
I have to wait up to 6 weeks for the letter !!! Plus I’m polish and have two kids

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Hi Klaudia, I know it’s so scary and I’m so sorry that you’ve been going through such a hard time with this too, I know that it can make you feel so lonely and vulnerable and the waiting time doesn’t help. I don’t want to say its, “good,” news because obviously I found even the thought of LLETZ highly traumatic but the fact that they are still offering LLETZ rather than anything more invasive or extreme such as any form of hysterectomy surely means that it’s not as scary as cancer. It’s a horrible journey but I think we will all be OK in the end :heart: it is so comforting to hear so many similar stories

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I had mine procedure done three weeks ago under general anaesthetic … hospital staff was brilliant , I have felt really good afterwards . At home I was trying to rest more . Two days ago I got back to work. I’m working in a warehouse , standing long hours or walking as a picker . They had put me on the light duties but I still had felt that standing up are getting on my back, hips , I had felt dizzy like I was gonna pass out . I Felt I’m not myself at all . I have spoken with my manager and started crying , he said I definitely need more recovery time and advise me to go back to gp. But today gp said he can give me only one week off sick note because I Have to be back to work and that this is normal after the lletz procedure . I’m in tears it’s like he doesn’t understand my situation or thinking that I’m lying just to be off from work!!! . I’m broken. I feel very weak . This is my second procedure , after first one I wasn’t off at all from work . I love my work especially when I have some quiet time from my kids lol. So I just need more advices from you what I can do . I cannot go back and then off again, how gp can assume that I’m fit for work !!! I’m having dizziness, body aching , still bleeding . I had anaemia taking iron tablets . In hospital I had hysteroscopy, colposcopy, piplle biopsy , lletz. Do you think I’m overreacting ??? I have one last question. Waiting for my results now. How possible is that cin3 can get into a cancer ??? Is it possible that my results or the sample was taking will be back as a cancerous changes ??? Thanks for any reply !!! Sorry for the mess post , I appreciate and I love to read others women stories . I know I’m not alone through this journey…

Hi @NicoleLouise

Bit of background: I had cin2 on my biopsy and was diagnosed with stage 1a1 after my first LLETZ.

I had two LLETZ procedures, one was done under a GA. I thought the waiting around was a lot harder than the actual procedure as I had no recollection of it apart from waking up all sleepy and being told it was all done and I’d had some IV fluids given. I think it only took 30-40 minutes tops. When I had my first one it was a lot worse because my legs were shaking everywhere and I’d felt the sting of the LA going in etc. and could smell my burning flesh, etc.

You’re definitely not a fool for having a meltdown, it is all so hard mentally.

I hope your procedure went well too! Best wishes on results xx