Fear of LLETZ

I had a colposcopy last year and now have a repeat one scheduled. If I need LLETZ can I request a general anaesthetic? I hate intimate examinations due to previous medical trauma.

Hi there,
Ive never had LLETZ under a general but I have had the cone biopsy done under general which takes less than an hour from being put to sleep to being woken up. I would definatley raise your fears with them and ask for a general I cant see any harm in trying and I can understand as it is a horrible procedure and I would never want to have to have it done again whilst awake.


I asked for a lletz first time under general as I said I’d be too uncomfortable and they didn’t mind

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Hi GentleTuesday

When is your appointment for your colposcopy? if you feel that you’d want the lletz (if needed) under GA perhaps express how your feeling with the nurse when you go, these appointments can be distressing enough without added fear for yourself. I had Lletz and cervical dilation on friday just gone under GA and feel a lot less uncomfortable then i did having it under local last year.

I hope all goes well at your appointment.

carley X

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It’s on Thursday and about 9 miles drive. I might not even need LLETZ but I find ordinary colposcopies frightening. I had a transvaginal scan last week and that was normal but the doctor examined me with a speculum and swab and I got the letter for the colposcopy the next day. I thought she was pointing something out to the male student doctor but I couldn’t hear because of the nurses giving me a “vocal local” which was not calming me down at all. I was so relieved not to need a hysteroscopy that I just wanted to get out of there so I didn’t ask if she had seen anything worrying.

Are you travelling on your own? or do you have someone who can wait for you after your appointment?
Aw bless you, I don’t blame you for just wanting to get out of there, its not the most comfortable of things to have to go through, without a student nurse being there too. Definitely speak to them when you go for your colposcopy hopefully they will be able to put your mind at ease.

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I don’t have anyone to go with me and I think the letter said I have to go alone anyway. I’m going to phone tomorrow and tell them how scared I am so they are prepared.

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I know its not the same but ill be here, so please feel free to message me if you want to.
That maybe a good idea, as they may be able to give you some suggestions to help calm your nerves, voicing your fears may also help you because you will know they are aware of how scared you are.

Hi gentletuesday

Just wanted to send you well wishes for tomorrow and that I hope all goes okay.

Take care of yourself.


Thanks so much. It turned out I didn’t even need a colposcopy because I’d had a normal smear this summer, so I was worrying for nothing. Thanks for your support xx


Your more than welcome, I’m so pleased you didn’t need it in the end.
Take care lovely xx