Had HPV vaccine as teen and still CIN3 on first smear

Hi all

I just wanted to post something on here to reassure anyone who may be in a similar positions, as this forum has been a real source of strength for me during the past few feels.

I had my first smear test in mid August at 24 years and 9 months ( I was invited early and thought I would just get it done- so glad I did now). I actually had the HPV vaccine when I was around 16/17 years old. It was a very new thing then and hence why I had it slightly older, rather than in my early teens which I think they do know. I didn’t really know what it meant but I knew it was to help prevent cervical cancer.

I got my smear result back around 3 weeks after my smear and the results said mild dyskarisis and high risk HPV. I was completely distraught and in a state of panic. I read every internet story going and was from then convinced it was very serious. I then stumbled across jo’s trust and having read some of the stories of other women, started to think rationally again.

I went for my colposcopy about 3 weeks after I got my letter. I was in a state before I even got in there but the nurses were wonderful and reassured me that the smear only showed low changes. I was then very shocked to be told during the colonoscopy that there were definite high grade changes and it was proposed that they went ahead and did the LLETZ procedure there and then, which I agreed with.

I was told that the results of the biopsy would take 8 weeks so I was an emotional
wreck when I got the results 2 weeks later. Results confirmed CIN3 and to go back in 6 months for a repeat smear and test of cure.

I’m so grateful that I went for my smear and to anyone my age who thinks they will be okay because they had the HPV vaccine, this just shows that they are still so important!


I’m sorry to hear that, I wish everything is better now. If you had CIN3 after the Vaccine, maybe you have been exposed to HPV prior to the vaccination. Have you had sex before the vaccine?