Had a normal smear result - bleeding longer during periods and inbetween spotting

Hey all. 


Just a bit of background, I'm 29 years old and...


Last April i had CIN III confirmed through smear result and referred to colopscopy. biopsy taken, confirmed as CINIII and LLETZ was eventually done in August. Missed my 6 month follow up but went to the doctors 6 weeks ago for follow up smear. I also had CIN II previous to this. 


When I went to the doctors 6 weeks ago, I was told that my follow up should actually be at the colopscopy clinic and not a normal smear in the doctors surgery. So she booked me in for a colopscopy (I'm going in 1 week) however, she still performed the smear and I got my results as clear a week ago. 


Seems pointless to now go to the coloscopy clinic since my results are clear of CIN and HPV. However my periods are lasting 7 - 14 days irregular and quite a lot of discharge everyday - sometimes pink tinted (no where near my period) 


I suppose my question is, can a smear miss something out? Is it possible that I may have some abnormalities when inspected further at the colpocopy clinic? At the moment, it seems pointless and I should cancel as the nurse booked me in for it before my results came back normal.



Any advice would be appreciated!

Don't cancel it. I'm not wanting to worry you but all my smears have always come back clear and yet I was finally diagnosed with stage 2b. The last clear smear was just six months previously.

Hopefully this is not the case with you but if you have the appointment it is well worth going and make sure to tell them about your symptoms.

It’s very important that you attend your appointment at the colposcopy clinic. Colposcopies are more accurate than smears for picking up abnormal cells, because you can have a false negative with a smear. Your smear maybe correct, so don’t fret just yet, but only at your colposcopy appointment can confirm this.