Gynacology appointment 1 week after smear with GP

45 year old woman smear last week.


During smear nurse asked GP to assist as noticed ' something'. GP matter of fact didn't say anything...said there is something that shouldn't be there...soft? will send off for a test....along with smear PAP. think they said test for HPV too...( of course I'm too old and didn't have the vaccine)....

no pain, regular periods....I don't have a partner so not sexually active....


less than 1 week later I have appointment with gynacologist. I'm going out of my mind with worry. 


why didn't the GP say I'll put a referral in ....? smear test 7.1.21 ------  Gny appointment 15.1.21



Hi nadiae


There could be a number of reasons for the 'something' your GP has seen so, easy to say, but try not to jump to conclusions. Remember that the great thing about smear tests is they enable cervical abnormalities/cancer to be detected before symptoms become apparent enabling less invasive treatments.


Sadly I hadn't had a smear test for more than 12 years when I developed symptoms of cervical cancer by which time the tumour on my cervix was looking pretty nasty and the doctor told me straightaway that she suspected cancer. It turned out it was a stage 2A - very cureable but I ended up getting a lot of treatment.


I can totally empathise with how it feels to be told there is 'something' that can be seen on the cervix but, whilst there can be no promises, even IF it turns out to be a cancer there's a good chance it's at an early stage and very cureable.


All the best for your appointment tomorrow. There's always someone here whenever you need.





Thank you for your kind reply and reassurance.  I might feel less anxious if the go had said I'll make a referral. I'm amazed at the speed of the appointment given covid pressures on hospitals which is making more frightened about the urgency of it all. 

I saw a gynae within a couple of weeks of getting vaginal bleeding even though statistically it was much more likely that I had  fibroids than cancer.  The NHS plays safe where there's a possibility of cancer even if that possibility is quite small. I think the NHS is doing its best to carry on with normal services wherever possible, despite the impact of Covid.
