Glandular calls

Hi, I went for my smear two years late at 27 years old, I was called for a colposcopy within 2 weeks. Had that yesterday and the nurse said there are two patches of abnormal cells that she biopsied and these will now go to the MDT. My smear results she said to me also said glandular neoplaysia. The nurse didn't give much away and I am trying to avoid Googling anything. Highly likely I am going to need treatment, just waiting to see what. A lot of the hospital leaflets discussed CIN 1/2/3 but not glandular cells. Anyone in the same situation? Thanks

Thank you so much for replying. Fingers crossed for both our results. 

She said she couldn't Do any treatment there and then because of their location and at that point "she didn't know what we were dealing with". 

Googling is very bad but we just can't help ourselves sometimes. This forum is amazing.

Good luck!

Results are in two weeks after colposcopy, high grade glandular changes, loop diathermy booked for 7/3/17 but decided to delay until 28th after my holiday. They didn't seem too worried I needed to delay the treatment. Can't be too serious I hope. Just annoying will need to wait for treatment then more results I assume.

I've just been for my colposcopy today and had a LLETZ treatment whilst there. I was told that I had glandular cells and the cells have been sent off to see if they are cancerous. i find out in about 6 weeks time Which feels like a lifetime but hopefully it'll be ok. i don't know anything about this type of abnormal cells other than its rare (5% of cases) and am too scared to google. was anyone else told more informatio? X x

I also had high grade glandular cells and had a lletz three weeks ago but i am still awaiting results hoping for all clear.