General anaesthetic

Hi, I’ve been going for smears/biopsys at colposcopy clinic every six months for two years. Every time I’ve been told nothing to be treated/borderline. Had smear/biopsy/hpv test six weeks ago and have just had letter to say smear negative, hpv detected and that the biopsy shows CIN. The letter states I need a loop biopsy. Had another separate letter stating it will be carried out under general anaesthetic. This is where my issue is. I have no problem having any sort of painful procedure but I have a complete and I know irrational phobia of nausea and sickness. Even to the point that I wouldn’t even have gas and air in labour in case it made me nauseous. Is it possible to have this procedure under local anaesthetic? If I have to have general I don’t think I’ll be able to go through with it.

Hi...I just had to reply to this as I too have a completely irrational fear of sickness! I also had to have a biopsy under ga and persuaded the doc to do it under big deal! Then I needed a radical hysterectomy!!! I cried in front of the anaesthetist and explained my fears...she was fab and gave me loads of strong anti sickness drugs, and a concoction of different ones for post op! I was absolutely fine, no nausea, no vomiting! She promised me I wouldn't feel sick. And she was right! Xxx

Hello, sorry you're going through all this stress. As far as I believe a loop is the same as a LLETZ and it can be done under local. It seems that they sometimes do it under general if they need to take a slightly bigger bit and it's done for your comfort.

if you're really scared by the general then I'd definitely try and talk to a doctor or nurse, either you GP or at the clinic to discuss the options. It may be for you that in the end a local is the better option. Either way, remember that if you leave it and it does develop, the treatement or surgery for full blown cancer is undoubtably going to be worse. Phobias and anxiety are hideous, talking about them is your best weapon.

Good luck x

Thank you both. I will phone the clinic tomorrow and see if they can do it under local if possible.  I know it's irrational and the alternative is worse. 

Hi lili 

my consultant told me that they can only remove up to a certain depth of tissue with a local anesthetic. If the deeper tissues are affected the have to do it under a general. 

I cant rememiner what the depths were as its all a bit of a blur.

I had a lot of bleeding immediately after my lletz which they said might be abnormal cells deeper than they had removed because they bleed more and depending on results I may have to go back for a genera.

i think a ga is scary in any case even if you don't have any other worries. I hope you manage to get sorted 

hello, i went through cone biopsy two weeks ago. i was about 80% unconcious the entire time and was on recovery room for 1-2 hours. except for the mild chills- all was well.

my procedure started around 9am and i was back in the room around 1pm. the waits down was numb until around 4pm. and everything was ok- no pain at all.

dont worry too much, your medical team will esure you will be comfortable before, during and after the procedure. i was discharged the next day and was on my feet. i had pain drugs of course which the doc said to take for 3 more days and antibiotics to finish the 7 days period.

although i did feel a little bit dizzy and tired by the time i got home. so take it easy after and rest if off. you know when you feel much better to resume normal activity. of course communicate with your doctor for anything you might need to ask him/her.

all the best,


Hi sorry to hear you are so worried.  Not sure if you have sorted it all out by now, but just to say I had LLETZ under GA yesterday and I haven't felt or been sick at all since.  Good look with everything 



Bit late to the party but also wanted to offer my 2 cents of reassurance:

I had a LLETZ under GA last week, and was worried about having the GA. But it was over so quickly I really didn't feel a thing - I walked into the theatre, lay down on the bed, they gave me some gas, and I was so out of it that I didn't even notice them injecting the GA. Woke an hour later in recovery with a nice nurse chatting to me about vacation plans. Had no pain from the procedure for about 8 hours (until the local wore off) and even then only mild discomfort, and no nausea (they also give you anti-nausea drugs with the GA drugs) - in fact I woke up hungry, and was eager to get back to the ward and have my breakfast. By 1pm, I was in the taxi home. In fact the only symptom from the GA I experienced was a little light-headedness for a few hours, and was a bit more tired than usual for 2 days. 

Hope you've had it all sorted now and are feeling better. Take care

Thank you for all your supportive comments. I had the procedure under GA on Thursday. The consultant explained that as the cells were vaginal with a local I would still feel it so there was no other option. The worst part was the waiting as I was admitted at 12pm and didn't go to theatre until 4pm. My Mum wasn't allowed to wait with me so I had four hours sat alone working myself up into a state of panic. The anaesthesist was lovely and gave me the anti sickness drug. When I came round I didn't feel sick just thirsty , drowsy and weepy. I was taken back to the ward, given water and left at 6pm. I've had no bleeding, pain or discharge. The only thing I've had is a sore throat yesterday but today I feel fine. I get my results in six weeks and I'm just putting it out of my mind til then.