Feeling rotten two weeks after lletz

Hi, I'm a new poster but have read this forum for a while. I had my lletz treatment done last Monday (12/8) it was the second day of my period but they went ahead as there was mild to servers dyskosis. I went back to work the day after, I felt flat but able to work (I work in a centre for people with profound disabilities so there's a lot of hoisting in and out of wheel chairs into equipment and onto beds) I had quite heavy watery discharge with a little blood for the first week and my period seemed to stop which I expected however for the past three days I've had bright red discharge with a few small clots, today I've had a little cramping and while at work was sick and went very hot and sweaty. I've never experienced anything like this before (I've had lletz 2 times previously) I was just wondering if anyone else has anything similar? Usually after two weeks I've been fine but I've never had treatment while on my period before. Sorry for rambling! 


I have to say my experience has been that I had very little bleeding until day 10 then heavy bleeding with some small clots for 2-3 days which did tail off to period like bleeding for another week. My second lletz was a top hat lletz so more invasive,I had quite moderate bleeding from the procedure and bled for 4 weeks. My second lletz was only 6 weeks after my first so I presumed the increased length of bleeding was probably due to my cervix being man handled quite a lot over a short period of time. Neither time I had an infection.

However,the fact you have vomited and feel so unwell makes me suspicious that you may have an infection. Maybe call your GP or colposcopy clinic xxx