Failed LLETZ 😢 finding everything really tough

Hi everyone! I am new here so I am sorry if I say something wrong or ramble on too much.

In short, HPV September 2020, HPV + abnormal cells September 2021, biopsy October 2021, CIN 3 result, LLETZ yesterday (did not go well).

I just wanted a little reassurance. I am not fantastic with anything medical (passed out during my biopsy as they had to take three samples) and was scheduled for LLETZ yesterday. The poor consultant and other members of the team had to deal with me sobbing, shaking before I even got in the chair. I also forgot to remove my underwear so that halted proceedings - I was all over the shop! Couldn’t even get the speculum in this time. I just feel awful to have wasted their time, I just could not relax. I am waiting for a letter to have the procedure done under GA - obviously pretty anxious about this.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks for dealing with what I can only describe as medical anxiety? I’ve tried herbal remedies but nothing seems to help. I even took up yoga and breathing exercises to no avail.

Just as a side note, I developed an ED during the first lockdown so I am currently not at my healthiest and I think this was the cherry on top of not a very nice cake.

Sorry for jabbering on, sending big hugs to you all and thanks a million.

Dear Ettabelle,

Hello and welcome. SO sorry to hear about your traumatic experience yesterday. You are, actually, the LAST person to blame. How on earth did they expect to do a LLETZ on someone in that state, with a history of passing out during a biopsy!!! You should have automatically been scheduled to have your LLETZ under a general anaesthetic, and thank goodness they will now do this (the lesson has finally be learned) and you will not feel a thing - just the needle when they put the cannula in.

I am very sensitive to medical procedures. I had 2 x LLETZ and a cone biopsy many years ago, all under GA. I had one cataract operation with ‘sedation’ - which is normal, in 2008. I was terrified. The needle coming towards my eye… the sedation - no good when someone’s adrenaline is sky high through fear. I sobbed all the way through. When I had a the other eye done in 2013; GA - no question. In fact the team for the first op said - next time, tell them you’re not having it done without GA. It’s the best thing for you.

Some people are very stoic and can cope with these things. My mother had two cataract ops and said they were ‘fun’ (she’s a bit nutty in that way). It doesn’t make her a better person than me!

You know yourself - you know how afraid you are of pain. Make sure you never have something like that done again without a GA - it’s a surgical procedure and how they could ever have thought they could do a surgical procedure with the patient in such a state is beyond me. I’ve been through cancer treatment and I can tell you that the worst bit in terms of pain was putting the needles in so often - but I have brilliantly obvious veins, so they can always get one first go! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. The radiotherapy - you feel nothing. The chemo - not painful. There was one thing I had and I said GA please - and they did.

I want to give you a big hug now, tell you it’s okay to be scared, and to make sure that you always tell health professionals beforehand that you are highly sensitive and cannot cope with some procedures. Certainly you need a sedative before the next biopsy - something medical that can help you relax. This is possible. Unfortunately herbal remedies are not enough for this - breathing exercises are good, but you need a little something else to help you, and they are in the best position to help you with this.

I hope your LLEZT, when they do it, goes well and that they are able to remove the abnormal cells successfully. Xxx


Hi ettebelle

Jacks is right.

You haven’t wasted your medical team’s time, they’ve wasted yours as well as causing you distress. It’s part of their skill set to know how to manage the nervous patient.

Btw, give yourself credit for getting as far as you have with gynae procedures. I couldn’t even cope with smear tests from the age of 50y so decided to avoid them! - see my back story.


P.S. About a year ago I was referred for a fairly intrusive eye examination. So far I’ve had 3 appointments and have not yet been able to tolerate the procedure. For the 3rd appointment I discussed the problem with my GP and he prescribed me with Diazepam for ‘examination anxiety’. Although I was still unable to complete the examination I got a bit further with it and didn’t get as upset as usual; I feel better about it now and I’m going to try again with Diazepam.


Anaesthetic didn’t bother me. General was good x

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I had a little tear reading this! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my ramblings, I have been in such a pickle worrying and feeling like I let everyone down. You have really put my mind at ease and help me understand that it wasn’t my fault and that I should always pipe up :blush:

Reading all of the above has been so helpful and thank you for sharing everything with me. You’re an actual superstar (and after all you have had to endure, a total LEGEND of a woman!!) I might actually sleep tonight haha!

Big hug and reassurance always welcome :heart: thank you! I hope you have the best weekend xxxx


Hi Jazza,

Thanks so much for responding! Along with Jacks you have truly put my mind at ease. Big sigh of relief! Yes I can’t lie, the consultant even said ‘ah the anxious one’ when I walked in the door - not ideal as a greeting. Eeek!

I have just had a look at your back story. Whilst some of it I don’t understand as I am very new to all of this (asking my mum now) I recognise some of the terms and I want to give you the biggest squeeze. I wish we could just all meet up in real life this has been so so helpful.

Ah thank you for mentioning Diazepam - I used to have it for flying and it did help, so I will definitely pop to my GP should I have anymore tinkering on the cards.

Have a wonderful weekend xx

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