Does Hpv make you feel run down?

Hi everyone, I am new here. Two days ago I received my HPV positive result with borderline changes to cells, I am awaiting a colposcopy appointment. I know that it is usually symptomless. However, for the past 5 months I have been feeling terribly run down, anxious and depressed. My menstrual cycles have gotten longer (from 28 days to about 33 now) with the pre-menstrual phase lasting over 2 weeks and becoming unbearable. I’m just wondering if this could be connected with the HPV, or if my low wellbeing triggered the HPV to become active. Does anyone else feel like this? I am going to the GP to get a hormone and deficiency test soon, plus working on changing my lifestyle to help fight off the HPV. Also I did have a baby 1 year ago. Thank you x

I think to be honest it’s more likely that your low wellbeing triggered the HPV into activity. I’ve never heard of anyone having systemic symptoms from just having HPV but it is a virus that can make cell changes if our immunity is low. I would suspect there are hormonal issues for you and it’s a good thing that this is being investigated properly. The low mood, fatigue and changes to your periods sound atypical for someone who I’m guessing is quite young, as you’ve had a baby only a year ago. I do hope something can be done to help you. X

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Hiya, thanks for your reply. I’ve read your other posts and you seem to be very clued up on things. I spoke to a Jo’s Trust volunteer yesterday who suggested the same as you, that my HPV was triggered by low immunity. It really is a light bulb moment for me to look after myself. I am 34, so perhaps I am on the older side of young! And thank you, I hope I can start to feel better soon, I have a GP appointment today X

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