Discharge post lletz

Hi ladies. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

So, I had lletz treatment for CIN3 on Wednesday, all went ok (apart from my partner fainting during procedure laughing) .

Have had a bit of pain, like period cramps and the wonderful discharge.... now I know it's normal, and I'm not worried about it. I just wondered if anyone knew what it actually is?

There's just so much wateryness falling out of me (sorry far too much info). 

I like to know what is going on with my body so If anyone could shed any light on what it is and where it comes from, I'd be so grateful.


Hi I had my biopsy done in the 26th i have loads of watery stuff coming out and it hasn't stopped since then there's loads of it and I'm not sure why my self and the smell is just awful I'm thinking of going to see my doctor as I'm not sure if I have a infection sorry I can't be much help i just thought ild share im having the same problem x

I didn't get this discharge after the biopsies, which is weird.

I know it's really common and a lot of women get this watery discharge, so I would try not to worry. Obviously if it smells really offensive, or you get a temperature and start to feel unwell, definitely see a doctor!

Mine smells funny too, but I don't think it's infection, it's just odd. 

Like I said, I was just intrigued to know what it was.

I hope it stops soon, for you too, and I hope your biopsy results come back with nothing to worry about. X

Thank you so much I hope everything comes out positive for you to to be honest I'm not sure if I just had a biopsy or a procedure to they said they removed all the cells i didn't really ask that much even tho I should of the waiting around is the worst but yes I've had this now since I had it done no blood just water im going through tons of pads I'll keep a eye on it see how I go but I have seen other post about this so I do think it's natural x