Diagnosed 28th march 2016

Hello, well never thought I would be here but, here I am, can I ask you ladies please, Is it normal to feel ok and positive about my diagnosis? I’m a little confused by this feeling…

I was told that I have a grade 2 stage 1b2 cancer of 5cm, I’m scheduled for radical hysterectomy with an ovarian incision as there is a large mass on the ovary that needs to be biopsied, depending on the results of that being cancer instead of a cyst, depends on whether it goes to a stage 2, I’m also scheduled for 7 weeks of radiotherapy for the cervical and if ovarian too, 6 months of chemo to follow.

Hope all this makes sense xxx

Hi Jen 

i got diagnosed middle of March and I've been the same as you to be truthful! 

From what I read on hear being positive is a great thing and it will help you get through this. 

Dont get me wrong I think when I start the treatment it will hit me a little more but I'm just going to stay as positive as possible! 

one of the reasons I feel I've been ok is because of this site everyone is so nice and extremely helpful that they put my mind at ease! 

Good luck with your treatment xx

Hi Jen, me too I just feel so thankful that they found the tumour as was really small, I still haven't cried or anything. Recovering now from a radical Hysterectomy inc ovaries and actually feel better today than I have for aboit 6 months. Good luck with it all and hope you can continue with being positive, it definitely helps xx

Hi Jen,

i have been feeling positive to all the medical staff have been to the point but positive about the treatment being a very effective way of dealing with the cancer. In my eyes being down and upset about can bring no good and certainly won't change the situation. We have a problem we are being offered a solution and whilst it may be a bumpy journey there is plenty of support along the way x

Hi Jen :-)

This happens to a lot of us, certainly it did me :-) I actually found it all rather exciting. However, you may well find, further down the line, that you become less buoyant, and this is not a failing. Right now, you have all those lovely scrubbed people in white running about with important papers and charts and you are quite definitely the centre of attention. Next you will have your surgery and/or chemo-radiation and it will all still be quite buzzy and happening. But you may find, as lots of us do, that six months down the line when you are trying to fit into your 'new normal' life, that things don't quite fit exactly as you had imagined. You might feel a bit 'dumped'. There is absolutely no reason to think that far ahead right now, but keep it in the back of your mind that it is OK and normal to need a little psychological help once you are physically out of the woods.


Be lucky :-)

Thank you ladies, I know now that it's all part of the process, all that  you've said makes perfect sense so thank you, I do have a lot of support but finding you ladies is a relief, I do feel now on the verge of a meltdown, only slightly though, I'm glad I joined this, I think this will be a source of strength, And comfort, it's wonderful xxxx

Hi Ali, I agree the site is lovely and I won't look anywhere else for support, wonderful xxx

Hi shazzal, I'm very encouraged by what you've said about surgery so Thank you xxxxxx

Hi Louise, it's a wonderful forum, thank you for being part of that support xxxxx

Hello Tivoli, you know I really appreciate what you've said, All makes sense to me, I know I'm going to need to be part of this to continue my journey, And with you ladies support too, All questions will make sense, thank you xxxxx


I found being positive really helped. Mind over matter kind of situation. For me waiting for results and a treatment plan was by far the hardest part.

But hey if you need a cry let it out, it doesn’t help to bottle things up.

Fingers crossed you get a diagnosis quickly and get your treatment plan x