Confusing colposcopy results

So I went to gp for routine smear about beginning of February. When the results came back it said high grade dyskarosis. I obviously went Into panic mode, waited for what seemed forever for my colposcopy appontment which was on the 6th March. 

During my colposcopy the Dr said she couldn't see anything after applying lots of solutions so asked for a second opinion the second Dr said she saw a small area that needed removing which I had done there and then (awful experience) they took a biopsy and have had my results back today which are really confusig me. 

The letter says my results confirm cin1 but my smear was high grade and my colposcopy impression was highgrade but be because the LLETS shows low grade it needs to go to their MDT meeting. 

Could anyone please shed some light on what this letter may mean please