Confused about biopsy 'result'

Hi everyone,

My background is as follows:

March 2013 - first smear test (private)- normal

March 2014 - smear test - abnomal (mild dyskariosis and HPV). Referred for colposcopy.

April 2014 - colposcopy in Australia (was travelling). Biopsy showed CIN1. Advised to wait and see.

March 2015 - smear test - normal

March 2016 - smear test - normal

October 2017 - colposcopy due to abnormal bleeding - normal (found my cervic was slightly inverted)

March 2018 - smear test - normal

March 2019 - smear test - abnormal (mild dyskariosis and high risk HPV). Referred for colposcopy.

July 2019 - colposcopy (doctor could see some low grade abormal cells - he thought they'd be CIN1). Biopsy taken.


Following my recent colposcopy, I have received a letter saying that they have found no evidence of malignancy, but want to discuss the smear/biopsy slides at the next multidisciplinary team meeting, in order to make a recommendation as to follow up. I am quite confused by this 'result' as the letter does not say whether my cells are CIN1 or CIN2 etc. I'm also concerned about why I've been referred to an MDT and starting to panic!



Its possible that they want to discuss due to persistent changes, however it seems that your changes have been low grade.

They may have found CGIN which is a precancerous glandular change? The fact they have found no malignancy is brilliant!

Its really speculation until you speak to your doctors. Have you got a date to go in? The waiting and not knowing is the worst.

Thinking of you xxxxx

Thank you so much for replying! Would it have said in my letter that I had CGIN?


No I don't have a date to go in, they said they will be in touch with an appointment date. I'm guessing if I need an appointment I'm not just CIN1? 


Hope everything goes well for you x


I have to say I’m not sure whether they would’ve put CGIN in the letter seeing as they haven’t detailed anything else. 

Hopefully you’ll get an appointment soon and get some answers.

You can always call the consultants secretary to try and push for a date.


Hello, I'm new to the forum. I literally just had this happen to me and like you had no idea what it meant. I phoned them up and they explained it was because they had seen abnormalities but couldn't ascertain at what grade as the sample they take at colposcopy is so very tiny. My results were discussed at a multidisciplinary meeting and then today I went in for the LLETZ. They remove the cells under local and these get sent off again to try and identify the grade and what's going on. I think it's all very good precautionary measures but its very unsettling and when letters don't really explain what they mean it's really confusing.

I hope this helps :)

The same happened to me, I got a letter just saying abnormal cells which didn't tell me what it was just said follow up with your health care provider for further testing...I did have high grade cells (pre-cancer) that was successfully removed with a cone biopsy..ALthough mine was different then yours, my niece had the same as you.  Like you, I panicked when I saw my letter as they are so vague and the way they word it is so worrisome...Especially when they say "further testing needs to be done"

My niece had low grade and sent for a biopsy and colposcopy and had no further treatment as it was low grade and they play the waiting game to see...if you have evidence of HPV, they will continue to observe you with  a biopsy to see what stage the abnormal cells are to make sure they haven't went to high grade. This happened to my niece..I was also told by my doctor that the abnormal cells will come again and I'll have to go through treatment all over again and continue to do so until my results are normal.