Conflicting results. Confused!

After googling the hell
Out of smears, biopsys, lletz and symptoms this site kept coming up the most so I thought it would be much more productive to post something!!
So, after my normal routine smear my letter dropped on the floor and informed me that I had high grade dyskaryosis. At my appointment she did let me
Know that I had cervical erosion. Not sure wether it is related but I was sort of expected abnormal cells! I had to go for a colposcopy. Wasn’t worried just thought right lets get this sorted!
I was told no treatment needed and she would put it as low grade but would take a biopsy anyway! Over the moon!
Results come back. I need treatment! Whaaaat!
The consultant tells me it’s high grade again. And not moderate as the first thought or moderate as the secondly thought. I had Lletz procedure. Where he said it looked quite advanced. Didn’t think about it at the time as I had it in my head he could just take
It all away in one big swoop!
Now after a good old Google diagnosis i can’t see it being a positive ending!
I’ve had back pain for a while so
I am petrified it’s because of that!
I can’t and will not let my children have no mummy to grow up with!
Thanks for listening to my rant :slight_smile:
Emma xxx

Hey Emma! 


Sorry to hear you've been having a hard time of it! It sucks having to wait for results as your imagination can go to all sorts of lengths. Plus Dr Google is definitely a road to distraction lol.

I've had pretty much a similar story as yourself, I've had lots of colposcopies were grades were changed, downgraded and upgraded. The biopsys of my most recent one have came back high grade CIN (III) So they've referred me for LLETZ. Whereas originally at the time of colposcopy the doctor really didnt think it looked that bad. So I guess it was prob only a wee tiiiiny layer of CIN3 cells that appeared once they put the biopsies under the microscope. So I can share your shock in finding out you are actually a higher grade than first suspected!

I too have symptoms that scare me when I read about them in conjunction with whats going on. Such as intermitent bleeding, pain and reeeally bad lower back pain. But I know that a lot of these things have 1000 other causes. My back pain could have a lot to do with my job and also with sitting at a desk for hours when I study/ bad posture. My bleeding could also be stress related or hormonal.Point is, its very easy to think worst case scenario. I think we aaall do it, I know I definately do/sometmes still do lol. 

Just try to remember you're not a alone :) and there are lots and lots of women getting LLETZ treatment every day, and very few of them are diagnosed with a horrible outcome. I know it will be a stressful wait for results but try to keep yourself distracted as best you can. And let us know how you get on :) 



Thank you so much for your reply. It really does reassure me that there are others going through the same thing. It's hard trying to talk about it to my husband as I'm being the brave mum having to get on with it and not trying to worry anyone else! 

The logical side of me tells me everything will be fine. The cautious side of me is thinking the worst.

Is it possible to go three years between smears and have full blown cancer? And would this be picked up straight away on the biopsys anyway? 

Crikey, I'm constantly having debates in my own head haha 


emma xxxx

It's hard having to keep things bottled up when you are so stressed, and having to put on a brave face for the family! I feel for you! I dont really talk to my partner about it either, mainly because I dont think he understands it all. Plus I dont want to worry him too. That's why I love this forum, at least people here understand what you're going through and you dont need to put on a brave face :) 

Its perfectly natural to feel worried though. Its just important to try and make sure you dont drive yourself mad with worry lol. I do the same thing as you, I flip from the logical side of my brain to the worried side, pretty much on a daily basis haha. 

As far as i understand with the biospys... when they first take biopsys at colposcopy, the actual piece of tissue they are taking is tiny. And its only from the uppermost surface of the cervix, to actually diagnose cancer, the cells have to have invaded the connective tissue beneath. But during a biopsy at coloposcopy, they dont usually take a chunk that far down. So when the lab gets the biospy of cells and they see that all of them are showing dysplasi/ abnormality...Then they can determine what they reckon the CIN grade is and if they reckon its 2/3, they call you in for the LLETZ.


The LLETZ is then obv taking away a bigger layer with connective tissue also, so then they can be sure theyve got all the CIN, plus they can fully determine if any cells have got into that connective tissue below. I think though for those who unfortunately have very high grade cnancer, they can probably tell from the first bopsy or even from sight (?) as I would reckon an aggresive cancer or tumour would be very recogniseable to the doctor. Plus i would say histologically the uppermost layer of the cervix would appear very very different to just CIN. 

As for full blown cancer in 3 years, I honestly dont know the rates of how it develops. I think from sources I've read, its a slow growing cancer. Hence why its very treatable as usually its caught in the early stages. But I would definately try to steer clear of that line of thinking ;-)  Easier said than done I know! lol.

Rebecca x




Wow, you really have done your research thank you so much for all that info! 

So are you just waiting for your Lletz? All mine seems to have happened within two weeks of each other. Smear then two weeks till letter then appointment. 

I really want to know the result but I know if it comes back quick it's bad news! So I'm prepared to wait! 

Hope everything turns ok for You keep me updated! 

i feel lucky to have found this site! 


Emma xxxx

Hi Emma,

Unlike you and Rebecca, my high grade initial diagnosis (which was CIN 2) didn't really change, although at my biopsy appointment THREE people were looking in my bits and categorically agreed that it looked like nothing was wrong, but possibly a tiny white area etc., etc. But the biopsy confirmed CIN 2 and then bit removed at lletz did as well - they send that for biopsy too.

But yeah, the interim between letter/biopsy/lletz results was...interesting. I became so horribly aware of my body and any kind of leg ache or back ache or slightly different to normal toilet that I was utterly convinced I had not only cervical cancer, but also possibly leukaemia or maybe lymphoma. Basically all the cancers. And I fully blame Google for that!

Emma x

I finally recieved my results letter today! 

It confirmed I had CIN2 and that it had all been removed by the Lletz treatment and I have to return in 6 months for a check up. 

Feels like a huge weight off my shoulders!! 

