Cone biopsy to treat cc

Hi there. Has anyone had a cone biopsy to remove early stage cc? I have been offfered one to remove 1a1 tumor. It measures 3mm. Have to wait 4-6 weeks for the procedure. Worried now as waiting time seems long. Has anyone had this?


I had 1a1 removed through a second Lletz under a general anaesthetic.

It was successful.

I have now had a hysterectomy to safeguard against future problems. 

MRI was clear prior to surgery.

Try not to worry, the cone will more than likely get it all. 

Stay positive.

M xx

Thank you for the reply. That's good to know and also that you are ok. I've just had a LLETZ but have to wait  for results back from histology. I'm told it will be highly likely I'll need either a trachelectomy or a hysterectomy but as a preventative measure. I felt thankful it was caught early but still getting into my head fact this had cone on so fast as I have had no abnormal cells before and I have stuck to my three yearly smears. Leads me to think it must be cells that have changed very fast. 

 Hi all my ECC came back cin 2 but normal pap and normal colposcopy... But positive hpv... I'm having leep Monday. When I day I'm petrified that's an understatement.... What do you think the chances of cancer coming back on the leep?? I'm so scared to have this done 


I had a cone biopsy to remove 1a1. It was under general anesthesia and had clear margins on both sides. Since I had squamous cell carcinoma, they have said that is enough and I will have 3 monthly follow-ups. I asked about having a hysterectomy but my doctor did not believe it is necessary at this stage. He said if abnormal cells show up again, that is when we will discuss it.

I hope this helps.