Complications after Colposcopy

Hi all, just wondering if anyone out there has experienced the same thing I have. I got my colposcopy 8 days ago, and had the abnormal cells burned off. I went back to work that night as my doctor didn’t advise me to take off, but I asked for light duties. Long story short, I strained myself and opened the cauterised wound and bled a lot. I went in to hospital two days later where I was catheterised and they put a pack in to put pressure on the wound and stop bleeding. I also went on a course of antibiotics which I am still taking. I was in hospital for three days and have been out now for four days. Since I got out of hospital I haven’t had much pain, and have been taking it easy. Today I was packing suitcases as I am emigrating next week, and for the last half hour I have had sharp pain and noticed some blood when wiping myself after visiting the loo.

I’m terrified of ending up back in hospital again and this all interfering with my plans of moving next week as I’ve my plane ticket booked and everything. How long do you stay off your feet for after a colposcopy? Does anyone else notice pains after you have bowel motions? I’m sorry for all the questions but I have never had any issues with smears before, and this has really put the fear of God into me.

hi i havent got much experience as i havent been to hospital but i found heavy lifting a no go as it can cause sharp shooting pain inside so avoid it if you can. 

good luck