Combined Contraceptive Pill and Abnormal Cells

Hello all,

I have recently had my appointment for my 6 month “test of cure” follow up from lletz. The nurse was not happy with what she saw and so I will be referred back to colposcopy. One thing she kept repeating was to consider a change of contraceptive. I’m currently on the combined pill and have been for about 10 years. I am aware that this contraceptive can heighten the risks when it comes to abnormal cells and cervical cancer but I’ve never had a problem with other possible side effects and this pill has always worked well for me.

Up until this point, no nurse or colposcopist had made the potential link between my situation and the pill and so I’d just assumed the risks were insignificant. Only now has it really got me thinking.

Has anyone else been in a similar position, what was your thinking and did you change?

Thank you :slight_smile:

This article is interesting and explains the risk very well. As those of us who have been treated for CIN2/3 remain at a higher risk of cc, I might in your position consider changing. I use DEPO which is progestogen only and I find it works very well for me. 

Hi Julia,

That is really helpful - thank you! 

I have arranged a telephone consultation with the nurse to discuss through my options but I am at the moment leaning more toward the progestogen only pill.
