Colposcopy worry

So worried right now! Had abnormal cells and HPV from my smear. Went for a colposcopy 10 days ago, she took a biopsy and said I had CIN 2 cells. She said I’d need to wait 3 weeks for the results, but 10 days later I’ve got another appointment come through saying I need lletz treatment, which is next week. Is this normal for it to be so quick?

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Hi carol
Sorry you having to go through this I wouldn’t worry too much about time scales. I had punch biopsy last year had a results letter back after just over two weeks and this year had colposcopy again and lletz performed straight away and these results were back just over two weeks too. I think in most cases they perform a see and treat policy so most people have lletz at the first appointment sometimes they want to make sure before if you are younger/not yet had children or may not have time at the appointment. The government in England has a guideline on how quick the majority of patients should be seen/ get results back and they seem to be doing quite well at keeping to these where I am in Yorkshire. Try and focus on the good points that you are being dealt with so quickly and they are getting it sorted Good luck for next week xx

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Hello sorry you are going through this, yes it is normal for things to be quick depending on your area or whether you are on a 2 week referral program which would be if they suspect or see high grade changes or worse. Some people get their results quicker or longer depending but I wouldn’t read too much into it.

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Hi Carol,

Sorry to hear you are going through this. Last year they were super quick with me too, so I wouldnt worry about timings. I am going for a second round this year and the pace has been slightly slower than last year but they are still acting quick.

Good luck with the treatment, wishing you a speedy recovery :slight_smile:

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