Colposcopy results before biopsy results


I attended my smear which showed abnormal cells and high risk hpv. I attended my colposcopy on Tuesday and the consultant said there was abnormalities and they would biopsies. She didn't go into any other detail. I've received a letter today to say there is aceto white, coarse mosaicism and fine punctuation. I have absolutely no idea what this means and Google is my worst enemy. Any ideas?



Hi :)

Hope you're doing well! I had exactly the same letter prior to getting my actual biopsy results.

Mine was a letter sent to my GP and also forwarded to me to explain what they found and why they took the biopsy.

My results came back as CIN1 and I am now awaiting to have my first smear to check if I have HPV as I'm not yet 25.

Wishing you all the best for your results!