Colposcopy following pelvic exam

Hi All,

I'm really hoping you can help me. I went to the GP a week ago with bad pelvic pain, constant need to urinate and some minor spotting. I had a pelvic exam and the GP took some swabs. She then said she was referring me urgently to hospital to be seen within 2 weeks as she had seen some abnormalities. She also confirmed that I had prolapsed vaginal walls. I can see what looks like a prune pup hanging out my vagina which definitely wasn't there before (sorry tmi). She took some swabs but I've rung up for the results of these and they seem to have just been looking for STIs which of course have all come back clear. I got my hospital refereal letter for this Wednesday and it had a leaflet with it saying various things to expect. I then got another letter for the same date and time saying I was having a colposcopy. 

I guess I have four questions:

1. Why didn't the GP perform a smear there and then and swab for HPV/signs of cancer/abnormalities if she saw enough to refer me urgently to hospital?

2. What will happen at hospital? She it likely to just be the colposcopy or will they do the snear and take bloods?

3. What could she have seen? What else could it be other than cc?

4. Am I likely to be able to see anything hanging out (the prune pip thing!) or is this probably to do with the prolapse?


Sorry 'prune pip' and 'referral'.

The curse of autocorrect!