Colposcopy experience and questions

I had my colposcopy today after my smear came back with high-risk HPV and low-grade dyskaryosis. I was very lucky and managed to get a cancellation within a week of my smear results, which is unheard of from the sounds of things!

If anyone is waiting for theirs and worried, I must say it was really not bad at all in terms of pain. Mine felt just like a smear, in fact I think my smear was a bit more uncomfortable!

I am a little worried though because a trainee did it, and as lovely as she was, she seemed a little unsure. She said she ‘thought’ it looked like low-grade but had to look at the senior nurse for clarity, to which the senior nurse said ‘if you think you need to take a biopsy, take a biopsy.’ I’m also anxious in case she was inexperienced in taking biopsies and didn’t do it properly.

Oh and on top of that, I was day 2 of my period so how she managed to get a proper look I have no idea! Now curled up on the sofa after some ibuprofen with a double whammy of period and colp cramps lol.

Anyway, not sure what the point of this thread is, it’s just sometimes nice to have a chat with people on here and hear their experiences. Has anyone had low-grade on their smear and it came back worse after the biopsy? Or had a colp on their period? Would love to chat in the anxious 4-6 week wait for results. X

Hi @llihl13, the waiting is really anxiety inducing isn’t it, but there are so many people on here going through the same journey as you and it’s a great place to get some support or just vent to people who ‘get it’.
You’re an absolute trooper going through your colposcopy and biopsy on your period too!

I believe what happens is they’ll analyse the biopsy sample and then determine more accurately from that what your cell changes are. So I’d imagine/hope that if the sample hadn’t been done properly they would be able to flag that up too - but I’d try not to worry about that too much.
It’s good that you’ve managed to get an appointment quickly too, thanks to you staying on top of your smear tests it sounds like they’ve caught whatever it is early.

Let us know how you get on if that helps, fingers crossed you get your results quickly.

Hi @Fern thank you so much for taking the time to reply! Yes, it definitely puts my mind at ease a bit knowing that so many people go through the same thing every day (and most of them are fine!)

The trainee was the trooper going through it all on my period, can’t have been an easy task lol! Keeping everything crossed the results don’t take too long and I can have this whole ordeal over with soon. Me and my partner were TTC so having to take a break whilst we wait to see if any further treatment is needed.

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hi i had it a few year back 2015 . biopsy came back as expected cin 1 and 2 . 8 years later had clear smears afterwards. i do make sure i have smears on time now im chasing them up lol

@charlene272010 Did your smear say low grade dyskaryosis? Just preparing myself in case I get higher than expected.

Great to hear yours are clear now, did you have LEEP?

yeah it said low grade and biopsy comfirmed 1 and 2. yeah i had leep it wasnt bad at all i worked my self up good and proper but it were fine no where bad as i was thinking .