Colposcopy and Loop excision biopsy results

I had a smear 26th July and got a phone call on the 26th August from the hospital to say I needed a colposcopy as the smear had shown high grade (severe) dyskaryosis and she booked me an appointment for the 30th August, I went and had a colposcopy and loop excision at the same time and was told the biopsy would be sent to the lab and I’d get a letter through the post… well after nearly 6 weeks I’ve just had a letter come through the post which is a copy of what the hospital has sent to my doctors, it says,

‘I now have the result of the biopsy from the loop excision that was collected on 30th August. The result confirms CIN II and III which is in keeping with the colposcopy findings. She will need a smear in six months time and we will send her an appointment in due course to attend the Nurse Led Smear Clinic’.

I already got my smear appointment for march 1st through the post a week after the loop excision. Does this mean they got all the bad cells? Ive read on here that people have been told about clear margins etc…Ive been waiting so long for results and now all this has done is confuse me more :frowning: xx