Colposcopy and lletz today

hi there,

I’ve spent the past couple of weeks reading everything possible on this site so I thought it was time I posted because in all honesty I’m really struggling at the moment. 

Im 27 and had my first smear 3 years ago which came back normal.  I had my second one 13th December 2018. I didn’t think anymore of it so I was really shocked when I had a letter saying I had severe dyskaroysis. I just had the one letter which I receive on the 22nd so I couldn’t even speak to anyone about it. I had to wait until after Christmas when I finally received 3 more letters with my hospital apt and explaining a little more what it meant. Today I went in for the colposcopy. The consultant was great, really friendly and explained everything to me. He showed me the abnormal cells and performed the lletz procedure at the same time. It was awful, I had a local anaesthetic but I could still feel burning pain so I had to have more. Thankfully it was over quite quickly but I am in quite a bit of pain now so I hope that’s normal. He told me that I would have to wait 3-4 weeks for the results and then a plan would be put in place. I asked the nurse if it was serious would I be contacted sooner and she said usually within a week. I’ve found this whole thing mentally draining and I know lots of women go through it but I’m just really struggling. I suffer with anxiety and it’s really triggered it for me. I’m convinced it’s going to be cancer and I’m absolutely terrified. I have a 9 year old and a 4 1/2 month old and all I keep thinking about is them growing up without me. 

Has anyone been through my story and what was the outcome?

how long did it take for you to get the biopsy results? And was it letter/phone call.

sorry for the ramblings I just need to get it out somewhere someone might understand :(

chloe x


So sorry you're struggling with this! I had a PAP indicating ASCUS back in February and I wasn't able to receive my LLETZ treatment until June so I was forced to do A LOT of waiting around! It was horrible and I was an anxious mess so I can relate! 

Both after my Colposcopy and my LLETZ, I was actually contacted within 4 days with the results! I am really lucky that the OB I was seeing gets the path results very quickly! For the colposcopy, my OB's office phoned me and told me I would need further treatment and they were also the ones to call me after my LLETZ was performed with the results :)

I hope you hear something soon and that it's good news! I'm sorry that the LLETZ was so awful though. I hope you feel better soon. HUGS! 

Chloe I am really sorry to hear that you are feeling like this. I had my biopsy results back in two weeks if that helps I am now awaiting my treatment.

If it does help (me being totally honest) I have felt exactly the same, I felt like I totally let myself and my family down the way I have coped with this. I think we all deal with things in different ways, over the last week or so I feel that so what if this is me and how I deal with it I can’t help it and neither can you. 

I hope over the next few weeks things will feel a little easier for you and that your results make you feel lots better. Take care xx 


I hope you're feeling a tad bit better now,

Personally my heads in tatters also and I was given severe high grade on my 1st ever abnormal smear. I've had a punch biopsy 27th of December and I'm in the waiting game the same as you. It's horrible and frightening and people who I've spoken to say it's really really common but it doesn't change the fact that I'm scared. I should've had the LLETZ but i have a defibrillator fitted so I have to wait for my treatment so I'm more anxious that nothing is getting done in the meantime. Anytime u need a chat give me a msg. 

Hugs x