Coil and lletz

Hi ladies 

I wondered if anyone had a simular experience. I had lletz 4 weeks ago. I feel like im recovered and I have had hardly any bleeding. 

The doctor left my coil in but it seems that the strings have been burnt off. I have checked and there is just one tiny stump of string left that's it. 

Did anyone else have their coil left in during lletz? And had a similar experience. I was worried that my coil wont work anymore (stupid I know but all silly things cross my mind) a nurse has reassured me that my coil will work fine. I'm a little anxious about how they will be able to remove it now that I don't have any strings.

Anyone with any information I would be grateful xx

Hello, I had the lletz back in August with my coil in, the tails were burnt off and I couldnt feel them at all afterwards. I got my coil replaced in October (first time having it replaced so I was very nervous!) , the nurse couldnt see the tails but managed to whip the coil out without any issues using the little tool they have :) 

Hope everything goes ok for you, I informed them about the lletz when i made the appointment as well and they assigned me a more experienced person so its worth mentioning Xx

Hi I had a colposcopy 11th April and I had the coil in, my consultant said she would have to remove it to do the LLETZ , or when I came to have my coil removed ot would have to be under general as I wouldn’t have the strings anymore. Seems each hospital is different on how they do it. Sure your coil will still work think without the strings it makes it a bit harder to remove. 


Thankyou both so much for messaging me. When I had lletz the doctor said I may have to have it removed under general but the nurse at my doctors said that she has tools to remove it. 

Hopefully they can remove it without having to go to hospital.

Thanks again for your comments, is reassuring xx