CIN3 result - cells burned away 9 days ago..

Hi everyone! Just a quick overview of this year... I am 26 & I had my first smear in February. The results came back borderline. I was called for a colposcopy in November and as it had been over 6 months since my last smear, the nurse did another smear and said she thinks it looked like i'd went from borderline to CIN1 within that time so a biopsy was carried out there and then. Not even a week later, I got a letter to say that it was actually CIN3. Naturally, it worried me the difference 6 months had made to my results. Last Friday I went for another colposcopy where I had the cells removed. I was expecting bleeding as i bled so bad after my biopsy and wasn't even fit to drive home. I didn't bleed at all with the loop and with a few paracetomal i felt well enough to go and do some christmas shopping. All i experienced was the cramps. Exactly a week later while in work, i went to the toilet to find I was bleeding, very bright red and had starting cramping again. This panicked me as I hadn't bled at all. I rang a & e when I got home and the nurse said it was probably an infection. She at first said it could be my period but I explained I was on the pill and that I had took it every day so it definitely wasn't so she gave me an antiobotic. I have literally slept all weekend and feel flu-ey if that makes sense. I am not bleeding as bad as Friday but I am still bleeding. Has anyone else had an experience like this? Thanks for reading my essay! Clare xx

Bump x

Hi,  due to nurse saying she thinks it's an infection, and you are feeling flu symptoms I think you should get checked out by a Dr soonish. Please ring 111 for advice. Hope yoi get sorted and please let us know how you get on xx

Hi, My LLETZ was just under 3 weeks ago and i was under the impression that if you were infected it would smell badly and/or going though pads more than hourly. I see everyone is different in the amount they leak and the colours etc. I started leaking from day1 and havent stopped yet but its been a variety of colour and amount has varied but so far no smells and not too often so im just letting it run its course. If worried i was given the phone number for the colposcopy unit i was seen at maybe call yours?


hope this helps x 

Hey thanks for your replies, I am ringing my doc in the morning,  they are going to take a swab,  i will post any updates.  Xx