Cin3 & pregnant referred to oncologist

Hi all! Curious if anyone has been in the same situation as me, I am very nervous. I have had high risk HPV strand 18/45 for about 4 years. During this time I have had 5 colpscopys and 4 biopsys. I gave birth to my first child last October. During that pregnancy I had a colpscopy but no biopsy due to being pregnant. This time around I am 17 weeks pregnant with my second and I had to have another colpscopy after just having one in March. He did have to take a biopsy even though he said that would be unusual. I got my test results back and I have cin3 after having had cin2 in March. He has referred me to an oncologist because he said I may need treatment before I give birth. Any thoughts??? I am very nervous about my baby. Thank you.

So sorry you’re having to go through this worry when you’re pregnant! The thing to remember is that even CIN3 is not cancer, so I expect they will be really conservative about your treatment whilst you’re pregnant. I’m sure no-one’s going to suggest anything that could damage your pregnancy or harm your baby, and they will only want to do the best thing for both of you. I’m sure they will want to treat you once you’ve had baby though, as it looks like the cell changes are progressing and they’ll want to stop it before you get cancer.



Thank you for the response, I am hoping the same❤️

I know a lady who was diagnosed with cervical cancer on the same day she found out she was pregnant. She had some conservative treatment during her pregnancy which failed to get rid of the cancer but she carried on with her pregnancy and deliverd a healthy baby. Shortly after the birth it was discovered her cancer had spread to the lymph nodes and she had chemo-radiotherapy treatment - at the same time as me in 2017. The lady in question is doing well; cancer wise there is no evidence of disease.
