CIN1 with possible cancer symptoms

Hi all :-)

I posted a while back about having a colposcopy where they noticed "high grade" lesions prior to having my first sphere.

The results came back earlier this year as CIN1 and was advised to attend my smear as soon as I am invited to see if I have HPV in order to review if further treatment is needed.

However, I now have severe leg pain and a numbness in my hip which I am worried may be a symptom of cervical cancer. I also experience painful penetration which has gone on for a number of years which I put down to lack of lubrication and (maybe TMI) size difference between me and my partner.

But now I am worried that I may have been misdiagnosed with CIN1 at the colposcopy as only a biopsy was taken.

Has anyone got any experience of being misdiagnosed and would this be common? Or am I overthinking my symptoms?

Thanks in advance!


CIN1 is not cancer. Unless you have Hpv16/18and 45 

positive. You can wait and monitor or you can fo the Leep. But fo not panic.