CIN1 awaiting LEEP but having weird symptoms - help.

Hi there. 

I went to the gyn about 3 months ago with post coital bleeding - it was a strange colour too - pinky orange at times. I had another pap and it came back abnormal. i changed gyn as I wasn't keen on the lady I was dealing with - telling me to come off my pill and that all of my problems are because i'm on the pill.  Ive been recently diagnosed with CIN1 through my new gyn and he said that apparently is' on the turn' to CIN2 - i've not a clue how he's worked that out but I know my gyno has booked me in asap for the LEEP procedure on Sunday. 

After my colposcopy and biopsies I had what I can expect as 'normal' bleeding - browny and grainy - tmi. And period like pains. Now it's been over 3 weeks, i came on my period early regardless of being on the combined pill, I had a ridiculously heavy period which worried me. Any way the long and the short of it is that i've been still experiencing pelvic pain (not severe) and strange ovulation like discharge, sometimes tinged pink, last night it was a bit like a mucus plug. I'm worried that there's an infection or that it's progressed. Has anyone else had this too? I'm panicking there's something more than just the CIN1. 

The post coital bleeding was just totally ignored too after the CIN1 was diagnosed - is it even related? Feeling so anxious over it all and mixed with the stress from work is really not ideal. 

Can anyone tell me their thoughts? 

Thanks. x 

I would get a second opinion. It's my understanding (please someone correct me if I'm wrong!) that they don't usually do LEEP for CIN 1, so if he's doing that because it's 'on the turn' to CIN 2 that seems kind of strange to me. 

Also yes, I think any doctor needs to explain why you are getting the bleeding, and deal with that rather than just doing a LEEP. 



i know this post is old but hoping someone can help me, I had my routine smear which came abnormal and hpv positive, I had a biopsy and the results showed CIN2 so I was booked in for the lletz procedure to get rid of it, they said there was only a small amount which needed removing, they did the procedure and sent it off for testing it’s come back that I don’t actually have CIN2 it was CIN1 all along. I’m confused as to why they said it was 2 in the first place and I’ve also read they don’t even do the procedure for CIN1.. they said there’s still a tiny bit there but nothing to be concerned about and I’ll have another smear in 6 months time. Did they get my results mixed up with someone else’s? Has this ever happened to anyone else before?  

